Jesus Loves Me!
                                                                    THE SUN
                            What are some of the things that the Holy Bible tell me about, the sun?    
                       Copyright (C)  by Noelene Joy Petersen Rout..29th May 2002..All Rights Reserved


The Holy Bible is a spiritual book, it contains many spiritual mysteries..The Holy Bible is God's word..God
is a spiritual being, and the Holy Bible is written in the spiritual language of, the Spiritual Being, many
people call,  God.

The sun is a star..God is an Angel..Genesis 48:15,16..Angels are stars..Revelation 1:20..If God is an
Angel, and Angels are stars, then,
God is a star..and angels are gods..Judges 13:21,22..God is a sun
..Psalm 84:11..If God is a star, and God is a sun, then, the sun is a star, and, stars are suns, and,
angels are suns..and stars are fires, and angels are fires..Revelation 4:5..Psalm 104:4..Hebrews
and, heat and light travel from the stars..Genesis 1:14-18

Q. What is the sun?
A. The sun is a light..Genesis 1:14-18..Psalm 136:7,8..God made light..Genesis 1:3-5..God made
light [in the first period of time] on the first day..Genesis 1:3-5..God made the sun..Genesis 1:14-18..Psalm
God made the sun [in the fourth period of time] on the fourth day..Genesis 1:14-19..If the sun is a
light, and God made light, then,
God made the earth's first light, and, light can be made!..Eg:
Artificial Light..
There is no new thing under the sun..Eclessiastes 1:9..Is there anything whereof
it may be said,
See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. Eclessiastes 1:10

A. The sun is a fire..Revelation 16:8,9..Where there is fire, there must be fuel..Isaiah 9:5,19..Ezekiel
15:3-6..Ezekiel 21:32..
God made the sun..Genesis 1:14-18..Psalm 136:7,8..If God made the sun, and the
sun is a fire, and fire needs fuel, then,
God provided the fuel that made the fire of the sun..
Genesis 1:14-18..Psalm 136:7,8..
Without fuel, there could be no fire..Proverbs 26:20..If the sun
is a fire, and there can be no fire without fuel, then,
something is fueling the fiery sun..There is a
fuel within the sun
..The fuel within the sun is [one] holy..Psalm 99:5,9..Mark 12:32,33..Ephesians 4:4-6..
Deuteronomy 4:39..1 Samuel 2:2..2 Samuel 7:22..
All things come of the one fuel within the sun..Psalm
84:11..1 Chronicles 29:14..Deuteronomy 4:24..Deuteronomy 9:3..Hebrews 12:29..
If the sun is a light, and
the sun is a fire, then,
light comes from fire..Nehemiah 9:12,15..The sun is hot..Exodus 16:21..
Nehemiah 7:3..1 Samuel 11:9..Ps 19:6,4-6..Matthew 13:6..Mark 4:6..James 1:11..
The sun is great..Genesis
The sun is a great hot fire!..Heat comes from fire..Isaiah 44:16..John 18:18..Revelation 16:8,9
The heat that comes from the fire of the sun warms the earth, and it's waters..Job 39:14..Job 6:17,15-17
..Matthew 13:6..Mark 4:6..James 1:11..
Heat travels..Heat travels through space, through the atmosphere,
and through water..The heat of the sun from space warmed a small piece of manna which was lying upon
the ground upon the face of the earth, and caused it to melt
..Exodus 16:14,21..Matter is anything that takes up  space, manna takes up space..If matter is anything that takes up space, and manna takes up space,
manna is matter, and, if manna is matter, and the heat of the sun caused the manna to melt, then,
matter changes states, and, heat causes matter to change states.

Q. Is the sun circling the earth?
A. No, the sun rises over the earth, and, the sun goes up over the earth, and, the sun goes down over the
but, the sun is not circling the earth, The sun is travelling in his habitation..
Habakkuk 3:11..
The sun is travelling in [shamayim] space..Joshua 10:12,13..Job 22:14..Psalm 19:4-        6..Isaiah 13:10..Habakkuk 3:11..The sun is travelling in his might in space..Judges 5:31..Stars
travel in courses in space
..Judges 5:20..The sun is a star..Genesis 48:15,16..Revelation 1:20...Psalm 84:11
The [star] sun is travelling in a circuit, from one end of The Milky Way Galaxy to the other..Ps 19:4-6..
The great fire of the sun is travelling in his might in a circuit from one end of The Milky Way Galaxy to the
other..The sun is a star..Genesis 48:15,16..Revelation 1:20...Psalm 84:11..If the sun is a star, and the
sun is a great fire, and the great fire of the sun is travelling in his might in a circuit from one end of the
Milky Way Galaxy to the other, then,
stars are great fires, which  are travelling in [circuits] courses in
[shamayim] galaxies in space..Judges 5:20

Q.What makes the sun rise over the earth, and go up over the earth, and then go down over the earth?
A. The sun is a god..Deuteronomy 17:2-5..The sun is seated upon a throne in [shamayim] space..Psalm
84:11..Isaiah 66:1..Isaiah 6:1-3..
The earth is the sun's footstool..Psalm 84:11..Isaiah 66:1..Shall the sun
the moon, and the stars, bow down to thee to the earth? Genesis 37:9,10

A. The sun rises over the earth, and, the sun goes up over the earth, and, the sun goes down over the earth,       because, the earth is a circle..Isaiah 40:22..and [spinning..rotating] [on it's face] ..Isaiah 24:1

When the earth is upside down in the presence of the sun, one side of the earth is in the [light] day, and
the other side of the earth, that is turned away from the sun, is in [darkness] the night.
Soil, heat, light, air, and water, are essential for the life of a plant..God planted plants on the third day..
Genesis 1:11-13..
Plants need soil in which to grow..Plants need heat, and light,from the sun to grow..
Plants need carbon dioxide from the  air to grow, and plants also need water to grow..God did not create in
six twenty four hour periods, because, the sun was needed, erosion was needed, the atmosphere was
the water cycle, was needed, and time, was also needed, for the plants to grow !

         One day the sun will burn out, but the sun will continue, travelling, in space! Isaiah 13:10

You can pick up a Bible at your local bookstore for around ten to twenty dollars, and then, you too, can
look up, some of the scriptural references, that I have used on this page.