The American Monarchist League |
The American Monarchist League is a group of like-minded royalists from the United States and Canada who are united in support of honoring, defending and advancing the long held ties between North America and the British Monarchy. The United States, even as a constitutional republic, would not exist as it is today without the influence of the constitutional monarchy of Great Britain. It is easy to see that of all the nations in North America today, all those which are the most advanced, free and prosperous are those descended from or sharing in the British Monarchy. The American Monarchist League was formed to provide a place for U.S. monarchists as well as those from across English-speaking America, to voice their support for and solidarity with the ideals of constitutional monarchy. We also exist to discuss and debate ideas among ourselves and others about the United States and the rest of the world such as: Should the U.S. join the Commonwealth of Nations? Should the U.S. accept Queen Elizabeth II as our monarch? Can monarchy make a difference? |
Links to Other Monarchist Leagues: |
United Empire Loyalists arrive in Canada |
America's first flag: the Grand Union |
(in case you couldn't tell: this is a joke -there is no actual American Monarchist League, might be nice though lol) |
AML "Organization" Loyal Canadian Links |
Our League Patron is Saint James, the patron saint of all loyalists |
Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton Institute for Loyalist Studies United Empire Loyalists of Canada Canadian Military Heritage Proj. The British Empire The Queen's Rangers The Monarchist Blog |
Martyred Monarchs Banastre Tarleton & the British Legion The Good Americans Monarchist Organization Links The War of 1812 Important Royals at a Glance British Iconography in America The Dark Eagle: Benedict Arnold Red Ensign to Maple Leaf The Restorer: King Charles II The Jacobite Influence |
Laura Secord: A Loyalist Babe! |
A Note On American Monarchist Iconography |
The colour schemes of this website vary mostly between red, white, blue, purple and green. There is a reason! Red is for the redcoats and in recognition of the fact that soldiers in red uniforms look bold and dashing. White has traditionally been the colour of monarchies and monarchist groups, possibly because of the royal flag of the Kingdom of France. Blue is in recognition of the conservatives who across most of the Commonwealth are represented by the colour blue. Purple has been a colour of royalty since Roman times when purple dye was so expensive only the Emperor could afford it. Purple remains symbolic of royalty and monarchy. Finally, there is green, which was the colour worn by many of the loyalist units of the Revolutionary War (some also wore red and some blue). Probably the most famous of these was the dashing British Legion under the great Banastre Tarleton and the hard riding Queen's Rangers; proving the best always go horseback ;-) |
Ave Regina! We who are about to surf the web, salute you! |