
History | Travel

Those of the Clan MacNeil are tied intrinsically to the island of Barra and can trace their lineage back to the O'Neils of Ulster who came to Barra from Ireland around the turn of the last millennium.

Scotland consists of the mainland and a number of islands, including the Inner and Outer Hebrides, the Orkney and Shetland islands.

Barra is one of the islands off Scotland's northwest coast in the Outer Hebrides. Barra lies in the North Atlantic Ocean, West of Scotland and North of Ireland.

The name of the island of Barra comes from Finnbarr, otherwise known as St. Barr, who is the patron saint of the island. Barra and its islands are now predominantly Catholic in their religious belief. The Catholicism of Barra is closer to the earlier Celtic church than to any of the later branches of Christianity. The patron saints of these isles, like St. Barr, have more in common with the myths and legends of the Gaelic people than they do with the establishment of Rome.

  • The Barra flag resembles a Nordic cross, symbolic of 500 years of Viking rule.
  • The green and white colors reflect the island's Catholic heritage.

St. Barr, a county Cork man, is said to have sailed from Ireland to form the first church on the island. After he left, and despite being approached by other churches, the people remained faithful to St. Barr's teaching.


The Hebrides were first settled around 4500 B.C. by Celtic tribes. They settled mostly along the coastline. In 700 AD the Vikings came to the islands. In 871 Onund the Norseman expelled the Irish king Cearbhall (Carroll) from the island of Barra. At that time the inhabitants of Barra were of Irish stock, belonging to Clan Eoichidh of county Cork. It is said that it was Clan Eoichidh who brought with them the knowledge of Finnbarr, the man who was to become the patron Saint of the island.

The Vikings lived in the islands for five centuries. After the defeat of the Norsemen in 1266, the Lordship of the Isles gave the people of the Hebrides their own native government. It was at this time that the fame of the MacNeills of Barra came to the fore. Under the Lordship the people once more swore loyalty to the chief of their people and in turn for giving the use of their sword arm in times of need the people had land upon which to live. No money changed hands, it was the bonds of loyalty and honour that held the people together.

In the 18th century, many islanders were forced from their homes by greedy landowners. During this turbulent period, thousands of islanders were forced to flee to North America.


"If you really want to get away from it all," read the travel guides, "visit the tiny island of Barra for its empty golden beaches, sandy grasslands, wild flowers and rugged interior. Nestling near the bottom of the Western Isles chain, it has been quite rightly called Barradise".

Barra is often seen as the most romantic of the Hebridean islands. Its physical setting, size and landscape are all its own, and the personal 'feel' one gets from its ancient past, its social history, its Gaelic culture and its Celtic Catholicism is one of acceptance and belonging. The Gaelic language is still widely spoken, contributing to a strong regional identity that is accessible to outsiders through music and yearly festivals throughout the islands. Remoteness and the austere beauty of Western Isles landscapes make them attractive to tourists.

The islands have a windswept and hostile mix of landscapes that offer visitors everything from golden sand beaches to heather-ladened mountains to peat bog farmland. The hills in the centre of the island offer some rewarding walks for those who have the energy. The coastline of the island is a pleasing sequence of rocky inlets and sandy bays. The unspoiled environment features a rich diversity of bird life.

Castlebay, Barra's chief town and port is a town of some 2000 inhabitants situated in the south of the island. Castle Bay, from which the town takes its name is a natural harbour, beautifully situated with an island in the centre upon which sits Kisimul Castle, ancient seat of the Clan MacNeil. Castlebay is seen as the centre for the southern isles and the population has increased by one quarter in the last twenty years.

