Prancing Unicorn Re:Quests!

Re:Quests! is the newsletter of RPGSIG. It's actually more like a zine than a newsletter, printed in booklet form with 24-40 pages per issue. Re:Quests! is almost entirely written by RPGSIG members. A typical issue of Re:Quests! contains a letters column, bulletin board, discussion question, adventure starters, gaming ideas and creations, and artwork. We also offer an entertaining serialized story called "Beyond the Realm".

With the publication of issue #48 in November 1999, Re:Quests! is no longer being produced in a print format. You will find many of the best articles from previous issues in the RPGSIG Archive.

Printed copies of most previous issues of Re:Quests! are available. Email for information.

RPGSIG Archive RPGSIG Archive


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