Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Publications in the Journals (National/International-Refereed):

Effect of specimen condition, orientation and alloy composition on PLC band parameters
Rajashekhar Shabadi, Subodh Kumar, Hans J. Roven and E.S. Dwarakadasa, Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 382, Issues 1-2, 25 September 2004, Pages 203-208 . pdf

Propagative Plasticity in Commercial Aluminium Alloys
R. Shabadi, S. Kumar, H. J. Roven and E.S. Dwarakadasa, Trans. IIM, Vol.57, No.1, February 2004, Pages. 61-69. Abstract+References

Characterisation of PLC band parameters using laser speckle technique
R. Shabadi, S. Kumar, H. J. Roven and E.S. Dwarakadasa in Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 364, Issues 1-2, 15 January 2004, Pages 140-150. pdf

Influence of Precipitation on Serrated Flow in Al-5Zn-1Mg
S. Kumar, R. Shabadi and Masrur M. Patel in Material Science and Technology, 19 (2003) 1-5. pdf

Dynamic Plasticity in Solid Solution: Observations and Quantification Abstract+References
R. Shabadi, Hans J. Roven, and E.S. Dwarakadasa, S. Kumar, la metallurgia italiana, issue no. 10, October 2002 -vol. XCIV, pp21.

Assessing Formability of Sheet Metals through Advanced Tensile and Laser Speckle Analysis  Abstract+References
R. Shabadi, Hans J. Roven, S. Kumar and E.S. Dwarakadasa, Materials Science Forum Vols. 396-402 (2002) pp. 1623 -1628.

Dissimilar material joining using laser (aluminum to steel using zinc-based filler wire) pdf
Optics & Laser Technology, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 24 October 2005,
Alexandre Mathieu, Rajashekar Shabadi, Alexis Deschamps, Michel Suery, Simone Matteļ, Dominique Grevey and Eugen Cicala

Insitu Testing of the Welded Joints
R. Shabadi, Alexis Deschamps and Michel Suery (Manuscript ready)

Cu Precipitation in Steels

R. Shabadi (MS)