================== Cromaine Crafts Loom ================== § Cromaine Crafts has a long and proud history. It was located in Hartland, Michigan, and developed into the third largest weaving center in the country during the 1930s and 40s. Established in 1931 by J. Robert Crouse who purchased an old gristmill and hired Osma Palmer Couch (Later known as Osma Gallinger Tod, author of many books including "The Joy of Weaving) to develop the handicrafts facet of the project. (from: "Things Useful and Beautiful" by Fran Reiland). Future husband Milo Gallinger later made the looms and, together, they expanded and developed the project. In 1944 the Gallingers moved from Michigan to Guernsey, Pennsylvania then to East Berlin. In 1960 the business was sold to Harry and Katharine Manning. The Mannings continues to be an active place of business with supplies, exhibitions and classes. Janet Meany The Loom Manual Library jmeany@weaversfriend.com § |
Cromaine Crafts has a long and proud history |