

What are your favorite acronyms ? Here's some common ones.

CB      counterbalance
CM     countermarch
EFS    End feed shuttle
EDS    End delivery shuttle ( same as EFS )
S&W  Summer & Winter weave
SS      Shaftswitching
EPI     Ends per inch
DPI    Dents per inch
PPI    Picks per inch
8h      8 Harnesses
8s      8 Shafts ( can be the same as harness but not always )
B2F    Back to front
F2B    Front to back
DH     Dear Husband
DW    Dear Wife
HWT  Handloom Weaving Technology , Fannin
TRW  Techniques Of Rug Weaving, Collingwood
RWT  Rug Weaving Techniques, Collingwood ( should be TRW2 actually)

Bill Koepp
(Acronyms used on the Rugtalk List.)