Loom Tuneup


> I have just purchased a loom in good condition, 
> I think - but I'm curious whether I should give 
> it a "tune-up" before I do anything else?

o Paraffin in grooves and wooden pulley bearings,
     anywhere anything rubs.

o Level everything.

o Center the reed; if it has a curve, put the concave
     side facing the weaver.

o Square up the frame; measure the distance from the
     right rear leg to the left front leg, then do
     the left rear leg to the right front leg. The
     measurement should be exactly the same.

o Square up and level the beater. Measure from each
     end of the beater to   the  breast beam, they
     both should be exactly the same.

o Tighten the frame bolts.

o The weaver's elbow should ( in my opinion ) just
     clear the breast beam,   raise the bench or raise
     the loom with blocks to achieve this.

o Reeds are not expensive to replace; I use naval
     jelly to remove rust, if you don't like chemicals
     just put on a dark warp for your first few warps
     and they'll probably clean off the rust.

Bill Koepp in Central California