Rug Removal  (before end of warp)

When we warp a loom, we tie on the warp to the front apron, use old fabric to spread the warp, then weave the first rug.  At the end of the rug we place stips of cardboard (we use matting board) to space the fringe, then start weaving on the next rug. When the second rug is completed - it must be long enough to wrap around the front beam - we loosen the tension, unwrap the rugs and cut between the cardboards, remove the first rug, then rewrap the second around the beam.  We repeat this process until the warp is used up.  If someone makes a rug that is not quite long enough, we just wait until the rug after that one is completed.  About the only times we cut and retie the warp is for special situations - the tension is bad or someone needs a rug immediately.

This method saves warp and the time it takes to retie. It's a lot faster to cut off a rug and rewrap the other one than to retie.

Kathy Follis


    After you finish your piece put in 2 shots contrasting thread, weave 1" (or so) tabby, insert stick wider than warp in reed, weave another inch. I use a fabric glue, Elmers, fray check on the tabby areas on either side of the stick. Once the glue dries, cut between the 2 shots contrasting thread. [slack the tension on your warp] Remove first piece. With a strong string about 4 times the width in reed, overcast (whip) front apron rod to stick. This is easier with a yarn needle or something to stiffen the end of the strong string. Always go down over stick and up under front apron rod (or vice versa) Keep it consistent. Once it's all stitched on, adjust the tension on the strong string, the rest of the warp tension should be as it was before you cut off.

Cynthia in Alton, IL