=============== Weaving Software =============== Weave Viewer - Freeware http://www.meycolby.com/ See notes below on using this program. ============================= WinWeave - Freeware http://mywebpage.netscape.com/bdkeister/winweave.html ==================================== SWOOSH Rug Design Program - Freeware o Rag Rug Design Program designed by David Raup. o Freeware. (for PC only ie. not mac) o Can be downloaded from Su Butler's site http://www.subudesigns.com/downloads.cfm o The program is "zipped" and will need to be downloaded to your computer, then up-zipped. David Raup, Shwoosh designer and programmer says: As far as I am concerned, the program is freeware and any method of acquiring it is fine with me. This program does assume that you are familiar with the Diamond Rag Rug Technique and will be most useful to weavers who are familiar and comfortable with the technique. |
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Notes for Weave Viewer version 1.1 o Donwload o Install by running the program you downloaded o Run Weave Viewer: Start / Programs / WeaveViewer o On the first screen click on the little monitor icon in the lower right corner. Then you will have some options for different resolutions. These are almost like a zoom control. You could use a smaller resolution to view yarns closer to actual size. But once you're into the program you can't switch. You'll have to save your work, exit, restart program, reload your saved work at a different resolution. o After selecting resolution, click on "Weave" at the top of the window. o Several default threadings and treadlings to pick from. Twill Point Twill Point Twill Double Point Point Twill Triple Point Point Twill M&W Honeysuckle M&O German Birds Eye Herringbone o Your own designs up to 8 shafts o Read the notes under "Help" o The patterns threading and treadling "MUST" be filled in. If you don't "YOU WILL GET AN ERROR MESSAGE" and the program will quit. o You can quickly set the colors for warp/weft. First click on a color square at the top of screen. Then pick Color / All Warp / or All Weft. Or you can set the color for each thread by clicking individual ones. o After any changes to patterns or colors, you need to click on "Weave" to redraw the screen with the changes. o There's a nice yardage calculator that you enter epi, ppi, width, shrinkage, loom waste etc, and it will give you number of warp ends and length, and weft length. o A "Reverse" option to instantly see how the "back" of the draft looks. o Options for saving and printing. Also for adding your own patterns to the menu list of patterns. |
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