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SECTION 9:  Special Power

We have learned that Bahá'u'lláh has made prayer a law for this age,   and when we pray we are being faithful to the Covenant of God.  We also know that Bahá'u'lláh has given us prayers for all occasions and that He himself has invested some of them with special power.  Among them are the obligatory prayers.  These obligatory prayers are said when we are alone, communing with God.  The other prayers can be said alone or when we are with other people.  We should keep in mind that congregational  prayer, where someone recite a verse and the others reply, does not exist in the Bahá'i Faith.

When we pray we center our thoughts and our innermost being on God.    We should wait a while before beginning to pray to try to cleanse are minds of the things of this world. To achieve this end, some people silently repeat to themselves the Greatest Name. When we finish praying, we should reflect on the words we have just read and not move abruptly into another activity. This practice is the same whether we are praying alone or with other people. When another person is praying we can feel as though we are praying ourselves. We should listen closely to the words the other is saying and maintain a prayerful attitude.



To what are we faithful when we pray every day? 



What kind of prayers did Bahá'u'lláh reveal?



How many obligatory prayers are their?



Can we recite the obligatory prayers in meetings?



What should we do before praying?


What do we do at the end of a prayer?



What attitude should we have when, in a meeting, another person is praying? 



What should we be thinking about when another person is praying in a meeting?



Write a description of the respectful attitude we should show when we pray, especially in meetings.


We  welcome your questions or comments !

Press SUBMIT when finished!

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