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SECTION 3:  Kindly tongue


"A kindly tongue is the lodestone of the hearts of men. It is the bread of the spirit, it clotheth the words with meaning. It is the fountain of the light of wisdom and understanding..."

How can a kindly tongue be described?



What effect does a kindly tongue have on words ?



"O ye beloved of the Lord! In this sacred Dispensation, conflict and contention are in no wise permitted. Every aggressor deprives himself of God's grace."

According to this quotation, what is not permitted in this Dispensation?



What does the aggressor do to himself ?



"Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm on this Cause than dissension and strife, contention, estrangement and apathy, among the loved ones of God."

What conditions inflict the greatest harm to the Cause of God ? 



"Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone; let your heart burn with loving-kindness for all who may cross your path."

What type of friendship should not satisfy us?



What should burn brightly in our heart?



"When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love"

What should oppose a thought of war?



What should destroy a thought of hate?



Lodestone is another word for magnet. In what way does a kindly tongue act like a lodestone?



Decide if the following phrases proceed from a kindly tongue:

a. "Don't bother me!"                                      Yes No

b. "Why don't you understand this?"              Yes No

c. "Would you care to wait, please?"              Yes No

d. "What terrible children!"                            Yes No

e. "Thank you, you're very kind"                    Yes No

f. "I don't have any time now. I'm busy."        Yes No



Decide whether or not the following situation present conflict:

a. Two people express different opinions during Baha'i consultation    Yes No

b. Someone does not go to a  meeting because he is not on speaking terms with the owner of the house              Yes No

c.Those who live at the Baha'i Institute constantly complain that the others do not do their duties                  Yes No

d. Two Baha'i teachers cannot agree on where they want to go on a teaching trip  Yes No



Decide whether the following represent estrangement and apathy:

a. A friend arrives at the Baha'i Institute and no one greets him warmly                            Yes No

b. At Baha'i Institutes, the students divide into groups and keeps to themselves               Yes No

c. At the Institute, during study hours, everyone is studying and not talking                       Yes No

d. Two teachers, although they do not fight, refuse to go out teaching together                  Yes No



a. Say exactly what you thinks of others, it does not matter if their hearts are offended   Yes No

b. It is all right to tell lies to avoid conflict                          Yes No

c. Conflict can be overcome with love and kindness          Yes No

d. Words have more effect when they are said with love   Yes No

e. It is all right to fight with someone if it is his fault          Yes No

f. One has the right to be sharp with others when one is sick or sad Yes No

g. It is not kind to laugh at others when they do something wrong     Yes No

h. Mentioning the faults of others is all right because it is not backbiting Yes No

i. When hard feelings exist both should make special efforts to become closer to the other  Yes No

j. When hard feeling exist both should wait until the other makes efforts to move closer      Yes No



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