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A The Mapping of the Human Mind:Theorists of Psychology

by Tom Wheat

History of Cold War    

Summary of Freud's Works (Ongoing)A Freudian Slip

History of Cold War


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9


Of Further Interest

Middle East
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Historical Documents

Chomsky on Terror

US Strategic goals after the Cold War

Recommended Reading

Global Consumerism

Latest Nuke treaty

Chinese & Russian Revolutions

Cold War International History Project 




The Case for the Impeachment of George W. Bush

Chapter 1

Theorists of Psychology

by Thomas Jigme Wheat, aka Jigme Sherab Chan, aka Orgyen (Urgyen), Jigme Dorje


Sigmund Freud:

wrote a good book called, "Of Civilization & Its Discontents" The book is Pretty pessimistic about human nature.

Fraud invented modern day psychoanalysis. ShOT UP with the proto version of the modern day SPEED BALL! Just like Hitler. the neofreudians are bakass backward NAZIS.

He came up with the theory of the ID, EGO AND SUPEREGO. THE the ID was composed of 2 parts, the LIBIDO and the needy child. These 2 are always in conflict with each other. Libido represents the sex drive.

Freud's most common paitients were afflicted with Historia? Hysteria?

One of Freud's failings was his desire to suppress the ID entirely, to the extant that it was only possible for the LIBIDO, TO DOMINATE THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND. Hence the enviromentaly conditioned Freudian slip.

The creative inner child was held in limbo somewhere between the ego and superego. according to freud the ego operated as a mediating conscience for the ID and super ego. The super ego represented the final descision maker, and arbiter of human behavior.

Freud also believed that males had an Oedipus complex, i.e., they all wanted to Fuck their mother. For women he believed they all wanted to fuck their father. Pretty Twisted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again he created an anti-ID dominated by the LIBIDO that influenced his theories on human nature.

Freud also believed in Sedation Therapy. He believed everyone needed to be sedated. This theory gave rises to psychotropic medications. This theory was abused by the neofreudians. Such practices gave rise, to evil drugs such as Thorizine!!!!.

Freud had some good ideas, but his mind and brain were clouded by his cocaine and morphine addictions. He was also strongly influenced by Benjamin Rush, the physician, father of American mind control, committed abolitionist, and one of the original signers of the Decleration of Independance.

Carl Gustav Jung, (psychiatrist) (Decent Theories) Student of Freud.

Swiss Vienese?

Invented Deep Process Therapy.

Formulated the theory of the Animis and the Animus. Animis and Animus represented the Male and Female psyches. Jung believed that the root causes of psychological illness resulted in the struggle, and conflict between these two attributes in every person, respectivly.

Jung believed in the theory of the Collective Unconscious, Synchronicity, and crosscultural archetypes.

he believed that all the legends common to all the worlds cultural traditions would take the form of Archetypes, (historical heros), that had since the beginning of time had imprinted themselves on the human psyche. These archetypes served as unconscious guides for people during traumatic situations.

Jung studied the traditions of all the world's Hero archetypes except for the Grail Legends. His wife, Emma a psychologist in her own rite, analyzed all of the hero archetypes in the Grail Legends.

Some of Jung's most interesting writings were on the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead,' The 'Bardo Thodol.'


Abraham Maslow (Good Theories)

Invented the concept of, 'Hiearchy of Needs'

Some of which could be called, Survival, Security, and Self actualization.


B. F. Skinner (a NAZI) father of the Behavioralist school of psychology. He formulated the theory for the need of social psychological conditioning to train and control the Human race. (Corporations and Pigs subscribe to his theories.)

Pavlov (Behavioralist) Trained dogs to salivate by the sound of a bell.


John Bradshaw (good theories) expounded the concept of the 'Inner Child' and the notion that the mind was interdependant with the psyche, the mind and the social environment.


Tsogyal Rinpoche and Chogyam Trungpa

The Tsogyal Rinpoche wrote a book called the 'Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.' The Book asserted that there were 6 realms of existence and that all of them were impermanent. He preached that practice of life should be the search for positive truth and not to fear death, because it was an eventuality, for life was not eternal even for the Gods. He also used the six realms of existence as a metaphor to describe the human socioeconomic classes.

Trungpa formulated the Tibetan theoretical conception of the Ego. His definition of the Ego appears in some versions of the 20th century version of the Oxford English Dictionary.

more to come................

Albosta Report, Iran hostage crisis, Jimmy Carter
