"Experience the ultimate in video entertainment"

Not quite. This is a famiclone very much in the usual style of the original famicom.

Oh look, it's the same happy smiling family that just can't get enough of their NESs and famiclones. The effort put into superimposing the console over the picture seems even less of that on the Family Video Game box... if that's possible.

One year warranty! Nice image of the console with some multicarts. Zapper doesn't look the same as that included though...

This is the enclosed Zapper - quite an interesting one. has the name 'Casel' on the side. Has the best firing action of any non-Nintendo Zapper I've found.

Remove the plug on the front and the Zapper goes in here. same connector as my Scorpion 8.

The side of the box, showing the included games...well, showing some games anyway!

Sticker detail from front of box - it's a famicom multicart sticker! Don't ask how to select a game from picture. Made in Taiwan no less...


Check out the documentation and screen shots.