<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/s_i_n_b_a_d/userfiles:/user/leftbehind.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
I saw you today, and I said Hi, you said Hello. I said Good-bye, see you tonight.
I waited for an hour and I hoped you would call, I slept by the phone...nothing at all.
The next day I found out that you never made it out. I cried for three days, hoping that some info would come my way.
I went home with my mom, she said come here...I went there, she helped me with my problems, but it still wasn't clear.
But then I heard it was all a lie, and you came home that night!
It hit, it hit, that stupid bomb hit.
I hate the people that did this.....
I hate the people that did this....
I hate the people that did this!
This was written by my 10 year old daughter....if your child wants to talk about this...sit and listen, answer their questions...if they don't seem to be talking about it...give them a piece of paper and a pen...and tell them it's ok to write how they feel...God Bless You All...God be with the families of the victims lost in the explosions.......Say a prayer and tell your loved ones you love them  EVERYDAY!!!! .....I Love You...Sami
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