
        gotland.htm (Gotland in Sweden: map + 3 photos)
        madeira.html (Madeira in Portugal: 4 photos)

        old: artnouveau.html (5 pictures of architecture + links)
        old: magritte.html (5 paintings + links)

        old: sevilla.wav (Music sample of the Sevillana del Adios)

        old: vancouver.html (1 aerial view + 3 photos of Stanley Park)
        old: sjc.html (St. John's College Residence at UBC: 5 photos + links)
        old: deeks.html (mountain hike near Vancouver: 3 photos)
        old: hornby.html (trip to Hornby Island, BC: 3 photos)


    cveng.html (English C.V.)

        old: bajatrip.html (map of baja California + links)
                        old: baja-sf.html (San Francisco: 7 photos)
                        old: central.html (Coast between San Fran & L.A.: 8 photos)
                        old: ensenada.html (Ensenada, Mexico: 3 photos)
                        old: bufadora.html (La Bufadora, Mexico: 2 photos)
                        old: volcanes.html (San Quentin, Mexico: 3 photos)
                        old: catavina.html (Vizcaino desert, Mexico: 3 photos)
                        old: sierra.html (Sierra de San Francisco, Mexico: 3 photos)
                        old: la.html (L.A: 12 black & white pictures)

        old: westcoast.html (West coast road trip: 3 US car plates + links)
                        old: washington.html (Washington State: 8 photos)
                        old: oregon.html (Oregon: 2 photos)
                        old: california1.html (California: 6 photos)
                        old: california.html (California: 7 photos)
                        old: california3.html (California: 8 photos)

        old: US.html (Chicago & American south road trip: map + links)
                        old: chicago.html (4 photos + text)
                        old: louisville.html (4 photos)
                        old: nashville.html (4 photos)
                        old: no.html (New Orleans: 6 photos)
                        old: memphis.html (4 photos)
                        old: graceland.html (4 photos)
                        old: toronto.html (3 photos)

        see also europe2.htm & canada2.htm

  note: pages marked old are from my Canadian web page  
  Last update: 12/12/01