This really doesn't count as entertainment...
but I needed to put something up;)
INTERESTING INFO ALL ABOUT ME (yes, the intersting part is debatable)

1. What time is it:
2. Name:
3. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Sabeen
4. Nickname: beeni, been, sabeenari, sabs, beenicheebi, beeni baby, sabeenerz,         
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 21
6. Pets: none
7. Hair color:  black
8. # of piercing: 2 in each ear
9. Eye color: dark brown
10. Favorite alcoholic drink: i don't drink - it's HARAM
11. Hometown: Chicago :)
12. Current residence: Boston
13: Favorite foods: My Mommy's
14. Been to Africa? No
15. Love someone so much it made you cry? No - well it depends on what kind of    
      love... like fallen in love... then no. Love for Allah - Yes, love for a sibling - YES
16. Been in a car crash? Yes :(
17. Croutons or bacon bits: croutons - Bacon is HARAM
18. Favorite day of the week: Friday :) JUMMAH
19. Favorite word or phrase: Perogative
20: Favorite Restaurant: CPK
21: Favorite flower: ROSES
22. Favorite sport to watch: basketball
23. Favorite drink: smoothies
24. Favorite ice cream: Chocolate
25. Disney or Warner Bros: Disney
26. Favorite fast food restaurant:  EWWWE
27. What color is your bedroom carpet: Beige
28. How many times did you fail your drivers test: none - passed with flying colors
29. Before this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from? Afshin
30. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? New York and Co
      because they have clothes that are suitable for hijabis!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
      NYC  and CO!!!
32. Favorite Magazine: National Geographic (I'm a science geek, hence my major)
33 What time do you go to bed? i try to go to bed by 11 - usually don't until 2am
34. Who will respond to this email the quickest: ummm no one b/c it's on my website
35. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: Nikki, b/c she's
      the last one to send it to me ;)
36. Favorite TV show: Friends, CSI, Everybody Loves Raymond
37. Last person you went out to dinner with: No one likes me.... I didn't go out to
      dinner with anyone... actually I went out to dinner with my friends :) yummy food
38. Car or SUV: SUV they're sooooooooooo fun to drive 
39. Favorite sound: bubbling brook
40. How Many Tatoos? none - again HARAM
41. People Most Important to You? Too many to count - SubhanAllah
42. Time you finished this e-mail: 9:42am
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