Please note that Kassar is not accepted in many Gorean chatrooms nor is knowledge of it required in the Sable Tarn. This lexicon of Kassar words is here for you to peruse, and use if you're a member of a Gorean chatroom that allows its use. Make sure to ask before hand, because there are those who would kill you for using it.

Those who tell you that Kassar isn't Gorean are actually correct. Kassar is an invented language, created to give a new flavor and appeal to o/l Gor. As you may guess from the statement in the preceding paragraph, Kassar isn't accepted in many, if not most, Gorean taverns/inns.

English to Gorean


about = mu
above = woo
accept = fermi
ache = gah
acknowledge = vidrew
across = thar
add = tasu
admiration = qaleengu, caleengu
admit = drakeemi
after = ik
again = van
air = bal
alcohol = qaleenichi
ale = kwad
all = nadru
allow = kapisti
almost = mu
alone = hak
also = don
also = iv
ambush = hokmari/hokmaris
animal = zag
ankle = tars,tarsa
anklet = tarsar
annoy = fieya
another = hohg
antelope = tabuk
anticipation = zja
apart = bara
apologize = dumri
appear = zjuni
apple = afel
are = kari
are = she
argument = hok
arm = tal
army = arm,arma
arrow = er, era
arse = zjad
ask = fori
ass-hole = zjadfa
at = fon
auras = kanalee
available = botna
await = zja
awake = dalun
awaken = daluni
ax = gir
axle = aws



baby = tuvas
back = bazj
bad = laym
bag = pok,poka
bake = nichki
baker = gazjis
bank = qlad
banner = bratach
barter = tokari
base = tar
basket = basq,basqa
bath = fur, fura
bathroom = furab/furaba
battle = qath,qatha
beak = gob
beans = fasalee
beard = hig
beats = dan'le
beautiful = ahleena
beauty = jesuil
because = sis, sisa
become = kwani
bed = wochak,wochaka
beef = beef
before = roh, roha
beg = fori
begging for release = fori ma
begin = toosi
believe = fermi
believe on faith = drafichi
bell = klanga
below = sool
belt = kris,krisa
bend = havasi
bent = bo bow
berry = jerq,jerqa
best = pasheen
between = fahm
beyond = ik
bird = gim,kang,meku,thren,threna
birds = kanga,kangee
birth = frod
biscuit = bisq,bisqa
black = dur
blanket = playja playj
blood brother = hesa
blood sister = ja'hesa
blood = varma
blue = gorma
boat = bat, bata, seeyok
body = kan
body signs = kanalee
boil = qaleeni caleeni
bond friend = gir hesa
bone = yas, yasa
bonnet = bona
book = hon, hona
boot = sapa,sapee
born = frodki
birthday = frodnash
deep = fuk, fuka
bottom of heart = tarna bottom tara
bow = dumri
bowl = skod,skodee
box = lazj,lazja
boy = malcha
bracelet = karpar,karpara
bread = gazj,gazja
break = breg
breakfast = gohas,gohasa
breathe = tiri
bridge = wook,wooka
bring = sev, wa'ali
broccoli = brahka
brother = akab, i'mota
brown = fum,jareem
brush = zjat,zjata
building = uyelis
burning = zjeemi
but = bap
butt = zjad
button = fij
buy = tokari
by = sis, sisa



cake = tareet, tareeta
camp = narga'am, soonis
candy = salatka
cane = slata
cap = bon
cape = brata
captive = bogul
captured = misha
carrot = ninjin
carry = wali
cat = kat, kata
cave = zjar
ceiling = woon,woona
chain = zjep,zjepa
chair = kaluva
champion = mahlajach
check = qolti
cheese = sir, sira
chess = kaissa
chew = beeji
chicken = ishan,ishana
child = ak or aha
children = akee
chime = klanga
chocolate = koka,chaqa
choke = kavi
chop = doovi
chosen = jimeleri
circle = tsirq
city = mach,macha
clan = akas clan ni
clean = qal
cleaving tool = gira
close = udavisi, sa
cloth = ayduk
clothe = jasi
clothing = jas,jasee
cloud = skawqa
club = arah ju
coat = brat
cock = chaq
cold = anpeem
cold = peem
collar = dwor,dwora
color = suv
comb = payn,payna
come here = yelita
complaint/s = fel'u
completely = koo
consideration = akee
consideration = amumba
considered = amumbi
container = lazja
cook = vachki
copper = zjur,zjura
cord = curla
core of being = tarna
core of life = satarna
corn = mazj,mazja
cough = tos
count = seeki
cover = daver
cow = marta
crack = brega
cream = aplaka
cunt = fadu
cup = tazj
cut = fad



damn = lasha
dance = tanli, tanlu
danger = tokak, zjoos
dark = durma
daughter = qam,sa
day = ven
day light = nash
dead = shukan
death = shukan
debate = hoki
degrade = perdeechi
desert = edin
desire = dukmi
destroy = gotri
dice = doovi
die = shuki
different = bara
digest = tumi
dinosaur = sahr,sahra
direction = vee
dirt = fuma, lod, loda
discipline = fahgan
disguise = udrakijas
dish = skow
dishonor = udegalb
display = zjuni
disrespect = udegalb
do good = sumi
do = rabchi
doctor = ish, isha
dog = kalb,kalba
door = daver
dove = qalma
down = sool
dragon = aak
dress = tateera (quite short, slave-length) dress
drink = bordani, dani
drive = boski
drop = tari
drum = gur, gura
dry = sek, seka
dull = ufis,ufisa
dumb = thumpa
durable = ar
dye = suva


E to F

edge = qlad
enlightened = jimeleri
enslave = dwori
even = iv
ever = hab
everlasting = sheku
every = hab
exceed = ikseek
existence = kara

faith = sani
faster = har'ta
fastener = fija
fear = gretuk
fire = torvis
flag = bartacha
fly = keh'ra
for = ne, qa
friend = hesa
from = con
fully = koo


G to H

gate = daver
get = kwani, wa'ali
girl = trik
glorious/glory = jula
go = ga gong klang
greatest = pasheen
greeting = tal
greets = ga
grin = jer'amij

happiness = she'vo
heart = lina
her = neim
here = da
home = hachka
hope = dukmi
hour = ahn


I to L

in = va
inspect = qolti
investigate = qolti
is = kari
island = jahesa

just = haka'an

king = sar

life = parabu, sa
light = tor
little = oijih
love = kar
lower = perdeechi



make clothing = jasaqi
make = rabchi
master = Vana'she
may = jai
might = darek
mile = pasang (0.7 earth miles)
mind = kanta
mine = jama
minute = ehn
mistress = Avan'shea
more = hohq
mother = tassanr
mouth = shimo, goba
my = ja, mira


N to O

necessary = se'o'pe
no = ki
not = de
number = seeki
nuts = fasal
of = me
only = hak
open = drena,kirou
order = fahgan
orgasm = veeshi


P to R

passed = ik
patience = ranga
peace = shiva
peasant = kekana
permit = kapisti
plains = edina
plate = skowa
please = neshuk, fori
pleasure = mayam,pagar
plus = dona
pole = slat
precious = tre'sha
prisoner = bogula

rabbit = buna
release = veeshi
resting = var
rust = jareema



sack = sezj,sezja
seat = soona
seeds = fasalee
separate = bara
shame = perdeechi
shame = udegalb
shore = qlada
shut = udavisi
sing = tevu
sister = jerag
skies = arquana
sky color = gorm
slave = me'shan; or (fem) kajira, pl. kajirae; (masc) kajirus, pl. kajiri
sleeps = te'an
snout = goba
split = brega
stand = veck
starshine = reshaka
start = toosi
stupid = thumpa,seraka
sun = seraka



take = tokri
test = qolti
thanks = jashi
the = jan
thee = tran
their = shak
thirsty = bordani
this = jal
throne = kaluva
to be = kari
totally = koo
toward = fon
trade = tokari
travel = jan
triumph = viktel
true = kean
truth = vidrew
turning = kara


U to Z

unless = bar
upon = gres
vessel = tazja
victory = nykus
walker = keamnoic
war = kimaco
warrior = rastar,rarius
way = vee
welcomes = dela
whiskey = paga
wind = bal,tri'shena
wings = tahem
wise = jimeleri
wish = meh dukmi
with = di
woman = bena
worth = jesku
wound = fadi
yes = ma
you = a, va
young one = tuvas
yours = va a, a


Gorean to English


aak = dragon
afel = apple
ahleena = beautiful
ahn = hour
ak, aka = child(not a baby)
akab = brother
akas = clan (see also: tribe)
akee = children
amumba = consideration, factor, thing to be reckoned with
amumbi = (to) amount to, be reckoned with, be considered
amumbis = considering, concerning, amounting to/ and blood brother, a brother sworn (anda would be a blood-sister)
anpeem = cool, a little cold
aplaka = cream (thick milk)
ar = durable, metal
arah ju = club, stick, wooden weapon ('wooden pummeler')
arm,arma = army
arquana = skies
ashe = an
avan'shea = mistress
aws = axle
ayduk = cloth, material



bal = air, wind
bap, bapa = but, except for, unless
bar, bara = apart, different, separate
bar, bara = cliff, plateau, headland, land apart from the rest
basq, basqa = basket
bat, bata, seeyok = boat, ship
bena = woman
bordani = need to drink, (to be) thirsty
boski = drive
bota = a wineskin used when travelling
botna = available
brahka = broccoli
brat,brata = cape, cloak,coat, mantle
bratach, bartacha = banner, flag
breg, brega = a break, a crack, a split
bregi = break, rupture
bun, buna = bunny, rabbit


C to E

chaq = cock
curla = cord
da = here
dalun = awake
daluni = awaken
dani = drink
dan'le = beats
darek = could be, might, could have been
daver(ee) = door(s), cover(s), lip(s), gate
de = not
dela = welcomes
di = with
don,dona = and, with, also, plus
doovi = chop, dice, cut up small
drafichi = believe on faith (not actually proven)
drakeemi = admit, tell truth
drena = open
dukmi = desire, hope,wish
dumri = apologize, bow to superior judgement/ability
dur = black
dur,durma = dark
dwor,dwora = collar
dwori = collar,enslave
e = a,an,the,this
edin,edina = desert, plains
ehn = minute
er,era = arrow


F to G

fad = cut, wound
fadi = cut, wound, hurt
fadu = cunt
fahgan = discipline, rule, order
fahm = between, in the middle of
fasalee = beans, seeds,nuts
fel'u = complaint/s
fermi = accept as proven, believe from fact
fieta = annoy
fij,fija = button, fastener,closing device
fon = at,to,toward,on
fora = chain
fori = ask,beg,
fori ma = begging for release
frod = birth
frodki = born
frodnash = birthday
fuk, fuka = deep
fum, fuma = brown, earth tone, dirt
fur, fura = bath
furab/furaba= bathroom
ga = go
gah = ache, dull pain
gazj,gazja = bread
gazjis = baker
gimv=bird, small (gorean)
gir,gira = ax, any heavy cleaving tool
gir hesa = bond friend
gob, goba = beak, snout,mouth
gohas,gohasa = breakfast
gorm/gorma = blue, sky color
gotri = destroy, make useless
gres = upon
gretuk = fear
gur, gura = drum


H to I

hab = all(things), ever, every
hak = alone,only,just
har'ta = fasten
havasi = bend,be flexible,springy
hesa = blood brother, friend
hig = beard
hohg = another(one),more
hok = argument
hoki = argue,debate
hokmari/hokmaris = ambush
hon, hona = book
ik = after,beyond,passed
ikdi = too much,the most
ikseek = beyond number,beyond counting
i'mota = brother
ish,isha = doctor
ishan,ishana = chicken
iv = also,even



ja = my
ja'hesa = blood sister
jahesa = island
jai = may
jal = this
jama = mine
jan = the
jan = travel
jareem,jareema = brown
jas,jasee = clothing
jasaqi = make clothing
jashi = thanks,thank you
jasi = clothe (yourself or someone else), (to) wear clothing.
jerag = sister
jer'amij = grin
jerq,jerqa = berry
jesku = worth
jesuil = beauty
jimeleri = become wise,enlightened,chosen
jula = glorious/glory



kaissa = chess
kalb,kalba = dog
kaluva = chair,throne
kan = body
kanalee = body signs/energies,auras,brain waves
kang,kanga,kangee = bird birds
kanta = mind
kapisti = allow,permit,give permission
kar = love
kara = be,existence,turning
kari = be,is,am,are
karpar,karpara = bracelet, wrist metal
kat,kata = cat
kavi = choke
keamnoic = walker
kean = true
keh'ra = fly
kekana = peasant
ki = no
kimaco = war
kirou = open
klang,klanga = bell,gong
koka,chaqa = hocolate,cocoa
koo = completely,totally,fully
kris,krisa = belt
kwad paga = ale-like drink, local beer-equivalent
kwani = become,get,have done


L to M

lasha = damn
lay, laym = bad
lazj, lazja = chest,container,box
lina = heart
lod,loda = dirt
luchon = dragon
ma = yes
mach,mach = city
mahlajach = champion
malcha = boy
marta = cow
mayam = pleasure
mazj,mazja = corn
me = of
meh = wish
meku = bird
me'shan = slave
mira= my
misha = captured
mu = almost,about,approximately


N to P

narga'am = camp,place of (our) fire
nadru = all
nash = day,light
ne = for
neim = her
nerak = foolish/stupid
neshuk = please
ni = clan
nichki = bake
nidan = greets
ninjin = carrot
nykus = victory
oijih = little
pagar = pleasure
pag, paga = brew made from grain [gorean]; short for Pagar-Sa-Tarna
parabu = life
pasang = distance -a gorean 'mile' (0.7 earth miles)
pasheen = best,greatest
payn,payna = comb
peem = cold
perdeechi = degrade,lower,shame,deface
playj, playja = blanket


Q to R

qa = for
qal = clean
qaleengu = admiration,shared experience
qaleeni = boil
qaleenichi = alcohol
qalma = dove
qam = daughter
qath,qatha = battle
qathi = battle
qlad,qlada = bank,shore,edge
qolti = check,inspect,test,investigate
rabchi = do,make,do one's duty
ranga = patience
rarius = warrior
rastar = warrior
reshaka = starshine
roh,roha = before



sa = close,near distance, life, daughter
sa-fora = chain daughter; another term for kajira
sar = king
satarna = close to the core of life
sahr, sahra = dinosaur,lizard,saurian
salatka = candy,sweets,desserts
sani = faith sapa,sapee = boot,foot cover
seeki = count,number
sek, seka = dry
se'o'pe = necessary
seraka = sun
sev = bring
sezj, sezja, pok, poka = bag,sack
shak = their
she = are
sheku = everlasting
she'vo = happiness
shimo = mouth
shiva = peace
shukan = death, dead,corpse
shuki = die
sir, sira = cheese
sis, sisa = by,because of,through,from cause
skawqa = cloud
skod,skodee = bowl,bowls
skow, skowa = dish,plate,something to eat from
slat, slata = pole,cane
sool = below, down
soonis = camp, encampment, place where the wagons are sitting
soona = seat
sumi = do good
suv, suva = color, paint, dye



tabuk = antelope
tahem = wings
tal = arm,greeting
tanli, tanlu = dance
tar, tara = base,bottom of something,to
tareet, tareeta = cake
tari = drop (a thing)
tarna = bottom of heart,core of being
tars,tarsa = ankle
tarsar = anklet,leg-iron (ankle-metal)
tasus = add
tassana = mother
tateera = dress(quite short, slave-length)
tazj,tazja = cup,drink vessel
te'an = sleeps
teera = dress(mid-length),toga
tevu = sing/s
thar = across
thren, threna = bird
thumpa = dumb, stupid, having no desire to learn
tiri = breathe
tokak = danger
tokari = buy,trade,barter
tokri = bring,get,have,take,hold,fetch
toosi = start,begin something
tor = light
toruis = fire
tos = cough
tran = thee
tre'sha = precious
trik = girl
tri'shena = wind
tsirq = circle
tumi = digest
tuvas = baby,young one


U to Z

udavisi = close,shut,seal
udegalb = dishonor,disrespect,shame
udrakijas = disguise
ufis, ufisa = dull,not sharp
uyelis = building
vachki = cook,prepare food
va = you/yours/in
va'dela = you're welcome
van = again
vana'she = Master
var = where, resting
varma = blood
veck = stand
vee = direction,way
veeshi = come sexually,have an orgasm
ven = day
viktel = triumph
vidrew = acknowledge/truth
wa'ali = bring,get,force to come along
wa'ali = bring me(as a command to a slave)
wali = carry,support
wochak, wochaka = bed
woo = above,up,on,upon
wook,wooka = bridge
wooki = bridge across
woon,woona = ceiling
yas, yasa = bone
yelita = come here
zag = animal
zja = await,anticipation
zjad = arse,rump,butt
zjadfa = ass-hole
zjar,zjara = cave,an emptiness
zjat,zjata = brush
zjeemi = burning,in flames
zjep,zjepa = chain
zjepi = chain
zjoos = danger
zjuni = appear,look like
zjuni = display,show,look like,appear,seem
zjur,zjura = copper



Ja'ni tran dela = My clan welcomes thee.

kajira mira = My slave.

Ja'lina tran kirou = My heart is open to thee.

Shivar = Peace be between us

Jai na ven sev a lae an she'vo a porte = May your day bring happiness and joy to you and yours

Jai a keh'ra greshak tahem jula = May you fly upon wings of glory

Kari e yara laybis = That girl is a bitch

tri'shena = wind

Ga va shiva = Go in Peace

Meh ne kar sheku, Ja'hesa = Wishes for Love everlasting, my friend

Jan di ashe drena kanta vethuk lina = Travel with an open mind and heart

Ta-Sardar-Gor = (Common Expression/Toast) To the Priest-Kings of Gor.