Only Free members of the Tavern of the Sable Tarn, or friends/allies of the TsT, may carry weapons into the tavern. All other Free MUST leave their weapons at the door. Those who fail to comply shall be removed.


Visitors to the TsT are allowed food, drink and conversation. Touching of TsT kajirae is strictly forbidden, as are PMs (private messages) unless permission has been attained from the Ubar or a Sword.


Only privately owned white silk slaves may be used (and subsequently made red silk) at the discretion of the slave's Owner. TsT white silk slaves are not to be used until after full training and testing.


Purchase of TsT kajirae/kajiri is allowed only for Free Sable Tarn members, friends and allies. If you're not Gorean, GO AWAY! Plus, no TsT slave may be sold without the Ubar's permission.


ONLY Free Women of TREVE are SAFE from forced collaring in the TsT. Read the damn Scrolls! Women were only sure of some protections within the confines of their Home Stone, not anywhere else.


Free Women of Gor who don't know how to behave has such are in danger of being face-stripped and forced collared. (i.e., don't argue with the Ubar or Swords, use a slave in an open room, walk around nude, or act in a slavish way, etc.)


Only the Ubar and Swords of the Tavern of the Sable Tarn rule within its granite walls, all other Free Men are but guests and have NO AUTHORITY!


All disputes within the TsT will be settled by the Ubar or 1st Sword.


All slaves MUST karta and beg entrance.


slaves/subs from other chat realms may quietly observe. Beg permission to speak before asking a question.


Untrained visiting slaves are not allowed to serve, only observe and quietly ask questions.


Visiting "trained" slaves may serve if asked, or if no tavern kajirae are present.


ANY slave who dares touch a weapon shall be destroyed.


slaves who dare talk back to the Free shall be punished, booted or even banished.


Disputes between slaves are for slaves and 1st girl to resolve. If the problem/situation continues then one of the Free may step in.


slaves of the TsT are required to work; preparing food, checking supplies, fur beating, mopping, dusting, etc. Idle slaves will be punished.


Tavern - World of Gor - Free - slaves