Tallahassee Gets a Sports Complex February, 1997 |
Here's the latest on the new ice facility. Those of you who listened to The Monday Night Hockey Show heard some of the details, but the Fin-Atics had the opportunity to speak with Mike Hunter and found out some really interesting things.
To start, the new facility will have two rinks, one ice and one sport court. The current plans have approximately 1000 seats divided between these two rinks, 750+ /- around the ice rink and 250 + /- around the sport court. The facility is currently slated to be open year round and available for use from 8 am to 1 am.
Designed as an all inclusive facility, the complex will house offices, a training room, a full-service restaurant, a 25,000 square-foot pro shop, six locker rooms, an arcade and a concession stand. With ground breaking scheduled befor the end of March, Mike is expecting the complex to be open to the public by October.
When asked about the skate rentals and pricing, Mike assured the Fin-Atics that the prices were not determined yet, but would remain competitive with the current pricing for public skating at the Civic Center. He also mentioned that plans included developing various membership packages.
More than just a hockey facility, this complex will give local and surrounding area kids an indoor "safe" place for a number of sporting activities with plans for offering lessons of all types, including hockey, figure skating, indoor soccer, volleyball, etc. Depending on demand, there is a good chance the hours of operation will be extended for leagues of all types.
The Journey
One conversation, one discussion about how terrible is was for the Sharks to have to travel to Jacksonville for practice. And that's all it took for Mike's wife Suzie to challenge him "to do something about it," to build the new, as yet unnamed complex.
Though Mike was labeled the "Father of Peewee Hockey" at the Hockey Show, ultimately parents and fans have the "Mother of Peewee Hockey," Suzie, to thank for making this project a reality.
Mike freely admits that it was her idea and added that without her constant urging to investigate the opportunity, Tallahassee would not be looking forward to having the only quality sports complex of this nature north of Orlando. He added that he also had to give David Elmore and Donna Tuttle, along with Tony Mancuso, a special thank-you for their assistance and support through this process.
As anyone knows who's ever attempted to build a house or even a porch in Leon County, its a time consuming and costly proposition. When you add in the nature of a facility of this type and its specific requirements chillers, special climate controls, power and water supplies - the project begins to take on a life of its own. Add in contractors and plans that pass all the environmental and safety regulations and the task becomes enormous.
Now design a facility that will be a landmark for decades to come and flexible; enough to support various sporting, needs and you can begin to understand the impossible task Mike took upon himself.
What's it Called?
With all of this, Mike has forgotten about one important thing. A name. He has decided to leave that last task to you, the fans.
To enter, mail your idea to: Name the Rink Contest, 3370 Capital Circle NE, Tallahassee, FL. 32308.
The winner will receive 2 season passes.
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