This site is fan run and is not associated with, nor sanctioned by the East Coast Hockey League, or the Tallahasse Tiger Sharks, or any of it's affiliates. This is a non-commerical site who's intention is to entertain, promote amd provide information to fans of the Tallahassee Tigersharks, the East Coast Hockey League, and any of their affiliates. Errors on this site are my own and cannot be attributed to said organizations. The ECHL maintains the exclusive right to license for commercial purposes the use of the names, symbols, emblems, designs, logos, uniforms and identification of the ECHL and its member teams (collectively, the "Marks"). Through substantial sales, advertisements and promotions, the Marks have become known as signifying the highest standards of sportsmanship, manufacturing and quality. Consumers expect that all goods and services associated with the Marks are guaranteed to be of superior quality. Thus, the Marks have become valuable commercial assets representing enormous goodwill. Use of the Tallahassee Tiger Sharks name and trademark (the "Mark") and player likenesses on this page is without the expressed written permission of the ECHL or its Tallahassee Tiger Sharks Hockey Club franchise. The use of the "Mark" or "Marks" of the ECHL, IHL, AHL or NHL are not licensed, endorsed or in any way connected with, the ECHL, IHL, AHL, NHL or its member teams. No violation of the ECHL, IHL, AHL, NHL and the teams' property rights is intended. No violation of trademark infringement, trademark dilution and, unfair competition under the Lanham Act are intended. No moneys were offered nor accepted for the design and upkeep of this site. It is done soley for my own entertainment. The "ECHL" "East Coast Hockey League" and the ECHL logo and logos of ECHL franchise teams are copyright by the East Coast Hockey League and used without their expressed written consent. Some information on this site may be Copyright (various) by third parties. All rights reserved. Such articles or information may be used on this site without permission. No infringement of copyright in intended. Full credit is given to the author and original publication of record in all cases. All other information is copyright 1997-2005 by Animal Antix Designs and may not be used or duplicated without permission (expressly written or otherwise), except when such copyrights might infringe upon the previously held copyrights of others.
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