505 West Pensacola Street P. O. Box 10604 Tallahasssee, Florida, 32303 Phone: (850) 487-1691 Fax: (850) 222-6947 Web: www.lccc.org
Monday - Friday 10:00 to 5:30 PM, plus game nights
In order to provide all of our guests with a safe, comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere, the Tallahassee Tiger Sharks and the Leon County Civic Center ask your cooperation in observing the following rules. Violators of any of these subject to immediate ejection in order to rights and safety of all fans in attendance. 1. No cans, or foods any kind may be brought into the arena. 2. Standing in the aisles, main walkway's or concourse entryways of the arena is prohibited. 3. Profane or abusive language and/or abusive or objectionable behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. 4. Guests appearing intoxicated will not be admitted into the arena regardless of whether they possess a valid ticket. 5. Interfering with the progress of the game is prohibited. Anyone going onto the ice will be ejected from the arena and prosecuted. 6. Any physical contact between a fan and a player or staff member, of either the Tiger Sharks or a visiting team, will result in immediate ejection from the game. 7. Smoking is prohibited in the arena. Alcohol: Alcohol is sold in the Leon County Civic Center with proper identification only. Camera/Video Equipment: Still cameras are permitted inside the arena and photos may be taken from your seats. No video cameras may be brought into the arena. Concessions: Located on the concourse level of the arena. The Spotlight Grille: Restaurant and Bar located on the south side of the arena. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Also open two hours before and after each home game. Centre Sports: Merchandise retailer of the Tiger Sharks. Located on the N. W. corner of the arena. Open M-F 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and during all home games. Gates Open: All gates open one hour befor game time. Lost and Found: Any objects lost or found should be reported or turned in immediately to Patron Services or the nearest usher. Media Access: In order to obtain a press or photo pass, members of the media are, asked to contact the Tallahasse Tiger Sharks at (850) 224-4625 at least one day prior to the game they wish to attend. Medical Emergencies: Emergency services are available at every Tiger Sharks home game. Please contact the nearest Usher or go directly to Patron Services. Public Address Page: Announcements on the public address system must be limited to bona fide medical, police and other emergences. Public Telephones: Pay phones are located in the main lobby of the Leon County Civic Center. Seating Problems: If someone else is in your seat or if you require assistance in locating your seat, please locate the nearest usher. Security: Any fan experiencing problems with other fans should report the problem to the nearest security guard or usher.
From I-10: take Exit 203 and proceed SW on Thomasville Road (319) to South on Monroe Street (US 27). Proceed south to Tennessee Street (US 90). Turn right (west) on Tennessee Street. Left on Bronough. Right on Pensacola Street. Civic Center will be on your left. From Exit 196 on I-10: proceed south on Capital Circle. Turn left on Pensacola St. Turn right on Stadium Drive. Turn left on St. Augustine which turns into Madison. Civic Center will be on your left. From the south: proceed north on Crawfordville Highway and veer left to Duval; turn left on Pensacola St. Civic Center will be on your left. From Perry: proceed north on US 27 (Appalachee Parkway) until it ends at the Capitol Building. Turn right on Monroe and take first left on Jefferson. Jefferson turns into Pensacola. Civic Center will be on your left.
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