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ACHL Tallahassee Ticket Information Tickets

Hockey Stick -- Don't get CHECKED!

Seating Chart

Row Z is closest to the ice with Row A at the the top of each section. Seat number one in each row is on the right hand side when you are facing the ice. Sections on the lower level are designated by letter and the number 1 (example: "section B1") while sections on the upperlevel are designated by the section letter and the number 2 (example: "section Y2").

What follows is the proposed Season ticket plans for Tallahassee's ACHL team -- The Tide. The team folded prior to the start of their first season.

Ticket Prices were as follows:

Lower bowl/first five rows
Adults$450($415 if paid in full by 9/15/02)
Children/Students$390(no discount if paid by 9/15/02)
Walk UP$15.00Per Game
Rest of lower bowl
Adults$360($324 if paid in full by 9/15/02)
Children/Students$300(no discount)
Walk UP$9.00Per Game
Upper level
Adults$270($243 if paid in full by 9/15/02)
Children/Students$210(no discount)
Walk UP$9.00Per Game
Season Ticket Holders were to recieve a FREE parking pass! No more $5.00 parking fee!

Click here for game day information and directions to the arena!

Hockey Stick -- Don't get CHECKED!

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