I have mixed the replicas with the real deal here in this page. Click on the thumbnails to view the pictures. Click your browser's 'back' button to return to this page. |
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TPIE Body Armor (replica) This is a replica of the one that the Navy SEALs use. I was able to compare it to the real thing. Except for the drag handle that came with mine (I have removed it already), this is very accurate. |
SOMAV Vest (replica) Here's another accurately made replica of a SOMAV vest. I was also able to compare this to the real thing. I can hardly tell the difference. Here are closeup shots of the panels and the cross straps. Very well made. |
Bundeswehr Body Armor Almost looks like the U.S. Kevlar body armor. Very cool looking. The Flecktarn cover is not removable. |
British Body Armor This is another genuine issue. There are three 'carriers' or covers available for this vest. The DPM, Desert DPM and U.N. Blue. |
ABA Vest (replica) Here's a replica of the ABA vest. It comes with two different ammo pouches. One pair for the MP5 and another pair for the M16/M4. |
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Mk.4 Diver's Life Preserver This is used by the U.S. Navy SEALs |