Resume Of Sachin Magon

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Mobile: +91-9312211997


Skills Summary

·      More than Six years of experience in implementing software solutions

·  Expert in VB, VBA, ASP, COM, ActiveX, MS Windows, MS-Access, SQL sever

·  Good at evaluating and improving business processes, technology architecture, application integration tools and E-commerce





HTML, Visual Basic(VB), VID6.0, ASP, VB Script, JavaScript, Java, Perl, VC++, HDML (Handheld Device Markup Language), .Net, Flash


MS SQL Server 2000, MS Access 2000 Dbase, FoxBASE+, Sybase

Integrated Development Environments

Visual Interdev Enterprise Edition 6.0

Application Servers

IIS 4.0/5.0



Operating Systems

MS-DOS Ver 6.22,MS Windows 95 /98, Unix, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition

Hardware Platforms

80x86 based PC

Other Software and Tools

MS Office 95 / 97/2000/XP, Vpp3d, Harvard Graphics, INSTALLSHIELD, and Crystal Report





Bachelor in Computer Applications

2 years Diploma in Advanced Computing from NIIT.

Studied Japanese Language basics for 3 months from Japan Cultural and Information

Centre, Embassy of Japan, New Delhi, India


Experience Summary


NIIT – Research Associate (June 2004 – current)

·         Development of SMSer  to check and report the status of computers, which are located in remote areas, and there is no internet connectivity.

·         Development of Image Processing Mark Reader System  to read the answers from the Scanned Document

·         Development and implementation of an application for online chat using GSM technology.

·         Development and implementation of   software   for training employees at call centers.


MeuteTechnology Pvt. Ltd. – Senior Software Engineer (Jan 2002 – May 2004)

·         Development and implementation of an application to collect data using SMS, receive SMS queries and respond to them using SMS.

·         Analysis, design, development and implementation of a system to give computer tests to potential   employees.

·         Analysis, design, development and implementation of a system for electronic auctioning. The bids could be submitted using email, SMS etc

·         Design and development of a website targeted at the community of Noida for their News, complaints, Markets discounts etc.


SKAR Infotech – Senior Programmer(Sep 1998 – Dec 2001)

·         Williams Learning Manager - Carried out on-site requirement studies at customer site and did the development off-site. This project launches and tracks the products developed by third parties and Interlink customers system with their proprietary systems.

·         Montell Oasis Application – Development of an  application to record data on  a continuously running operation.

·         Search Ads –  Development of a website to place and search classified ads.

·         Cost Calculator – Development of an application for online hotel reservation.

·         Imaging – Development of a tool for merging, inserting, editing and printing multiple TIFFS files automatically.

·         OfiiceDrive – Creation of a website to give users a 25 MB free web space to Store their files, it’s like hard disk on a net.

·         Indexer – Creation of a tool for indexing the html pages by their category and then writing the sorted page names in html pages for listing these pages.

·         RealEstate – Design and development of a database to store relevant information.

·         WorldTrak Training Administration – Development of a website for online education.

·         Training Information System – Development of an application to track  details of trainings provided to employees

·         Invoicing – Design and development of an application for generating invoices  for a books publisher.

·         CSV Data Site – Design and development of a web site to run user specified reports and return the data in CSV format.

·         Query Wizard – Design and development of a web-based query wizard to build and save queries against a database.

·         Batch File – Development of a utility to delete files and directories specified in a text file.



Paper Presentations


·         NEST(RFID) – This paper explains how can NEST will help NIIT to implement the courseware and student tracking.

·         ISpeak – This paper tells about the technical details how it will help user to get trained to learn different language’s accent.

·         NIIT Messenger – This paper gives the details about the GSM technology, which is used to make chatting possible between two or more computers.





·         Formerly member of Blue Genes Club