The spring was drilled in 1936 by the Myron Stratton
foundation: it has a controlled flow of two gallons per minute and is drilled
to a depth of 167 feet.
Winfield Scott Stratton was a carpenter and building
contractor in Colorado Springs. He became the first millionaire from the
Cripple Creek gold strikes and when he died in 1902 he left his fortune
to the care of the county’s needy children and elderly in a fund named
in honour of his father.
Stratton seems very popular, perhaps because of
its strategic location or because of the little pavilion which makes it
a lovely place to sit and relax. While we were there several people - both
tourists and locals - stopped to drink the water or fill up bottles.
The Stratton Spring was restored in 1989 by a
grant from the El Pomar Foundation and volunteer assistance from the citizens
of Colorado. It is the only spring with information in braille. |