Meeting Minutes









Minutes:  SUSY 9/9/03

Residence of Stephen Opper


Miriam Roth motions to open meeting, and Malcolm seconds. Meeting opens at 6:42PM.


Hanna Motions to approve previous meeting’s minutes, and Ruthie seconds. (Malcolm makes sure that everyone recognizes the fact that Ruthie was NOT at our first meeting… but we love her all the same). Everyone approves minutes.


Stephan gives d’var torah about the tragic events which occurred in Israel earlier during the day. The board is solemn to hear the news.


            Rachel assigns a bulletin board at synagogue to each board member to decorate on our own time.

                        -Rachel (and Alex) congratulate(s) the board on an awesome first event, and everyone agrees that Ryan Abramowitz was one of the biggest victories of the afternoon.


Malcolm suggests that we have general board members at meetings. Someone calls it a Schmooze /meeting/ havdallah, and the board ohhs and ahhhs.


            Stephan and talks about Israel Regalia. And it’s agreed that it will be talked about at a later date.


Jaime tries to spread the gospel of SUSYcomm, yet the board does not appreciate/understand the significance of this beautiful masterpiece of an idea… but oh… they will


Being pressed for time, Alex beings up the SUSY juice (and Jaime gets the warm fuzzies just thinking about it). Stephan wants to have an article about Israel in every month’s SUSY juice.  It is agreed that all articles will be due September 24th via e-mail.


Alex talks about Saturday night event and Fall Keinus, and says it will be talked about at a later date.


While potential general board members begin to show up, the meeting is closed at 7:17PM.


(While the General Board members were there, we talked about what committees who wanted to be on. Everyone broke into individual groups to talk about what we want out of the committees, chapter and events this year. We shared these with each other.  Due to the short attention span, many of us got distracted by food, but a lot was accomplished all the same).