There are many different styles of cloth diapers available today. You aren't just limited to the flats, prefolds and plastic pants that our grandmothers and mothers used--although there are some CDing parents who swear by them! Here, we'll take a look at the different types of CDs, how to use them, and some popular examples of each style.
Flats: a large square (or rectangle) of one layer of fabric that is folded several times to fit baby. This is the type of diaper that our grandmothers and mothers used. These can be made from many kinds of fabric, some popular examples being birdseye, flannel, and terry.
Prefolds: like a flat, these also require folding to fit baby, although not nearly as much folding! A rectangular, multiple layer diaper, most commonly made of birdseye, although terry, flannel, or sherpa are also used. You may see these diapers referred to as "DSQ" (Diaper Service Quality) or "Chinese" or "Indian" prefolds. You may also see a reference to the layers of fabric, expressed like this: 4X6X4. This means there are 4 layers in the outer 2/3 of the diaper, and 6 layers in the center "wet zone".
Contour: normally an hourglass-shaped, multiple layer diaper, which is laid in a close-fitting cover or used as the "stuffer" in a pocket diaper.
Prefitted: a prefold diaper with elastic along the "legs".
Fitted: looks like a disposable diaper in shape; fitteds have elastic at the legs and normally at the back as well, and typically have some sort of closure (snaps or hook-and-loop) as well, although some are fastened with pins or a Snappi. Fitted diapers require a separate waterproof cover.
All-In-Ones (AIOs): works just like a disposable diaper (except for the throwing it away part!) The absorbent layers are attached to a waterproof outer cover. AIOs are generally very trim, and are popular "babysitter" or "going out" diapers due to their ease of use. However, they take longer to dry and wear out faster than separate diapers and covers.
All-In-Twos (AI2s): a cover with snaps or flaps to attach a "soaker pad" of absorbent material. The cover can be reused several times as long as it doesn't become soiled by unattaching the wet/dirty soaker pad and reattaching a new one. In addition to PUL and fleece, wool can be used for the cover. These are often referred to as a "Wool-in-One", but is more correctly an AI2. Some people consider Pocket diapers to be AI2s as well.
Pocket: a two-layer diaper cover, the outer layer being some waterproof material (usually PUL or fleece). The inner layer can either be a "wicking" material, such as microfleece, velour, or suedecloth, or an absorbent material, such as birdseye or flannel. A "stuffer" (some sort of absorbent material) is inserted through an opening into the "pocket" between the two layers.