By now you're wondering who Sadie really is.
Fair enough.


Personal TidbitsPERSONAL TIDBITS: Born 12-06-??, Died: OOPPSS, I'm a PK, History and Trivia Buff, Serious Jeopardy Fan, Love to Sing, Registered Nurse, Budding Entrepreneur, Heartland Homesteader

Yes, I neglected to tell you just how old I am. But I didn't think that was an important tidbit that I wanted to share. Not because I'm so touchy about it, but I just don't want to let any room for prejudice on my site. So I will just let you guess. That's more fun anyway. Obviously, I'm old enough to have been out of nursing school and that alone may keep the youth element from spending too much time here. But I hope they will find something that catches their eye and make them want to have a look.Let's sit by the fishpond and chat.

Yes, I'm a PK, all grown up. For those of you who don't know what a PK is, it's "PREACHER'S KID". My Dad is a minister, now retired. It was not an easy life, but I have moved beyond the pains of that life and have managed to learn a few lessons that have, hopefully, made me a more kind and generous person. I've even managed to take on a kinder perspective toward how it must have been for my parents. Living in a fishbowl is not easy for anyone. That's kind of what it was like. But you can always find something positive about the tough things if you stop obcessing on the negative.

Oh, boy! Is that ever a mouthful. Contentment! That's hard to have these days, when every time we turn around there's some media blitz telling us that we can't be content unless we have what they're selling. Good thing I have to live on a budget! Well, I do have a lot though. My parents are still living, I have one Grandmother living, and my two sisters are top of the heap. Now ya KNOW I'm old, if I like my siblings.

Don't leave yet! I want to show you what else I have on this site. We're just getting to know each other. I love having visitors! I'm starting to get the hang of this and I want you to see it all. Besides, there's alot more about me that you don't know yet. And I have a lot of secrets to tell ya!

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