Alumni Updates
Attention Eta Tau Alumnae!

In an effort to keep in touch with old friends, we have created this page for our alumnae.  The page is under construction, and you can help us fill it up!  If you are an Eta Tau chapter alumni, send us a brief statement about what you have been up to since you graduated or moved on from Eta Tau.  Please be sure to include the semester you were initiated and your maiden name if you have been since married.  Also, include any of your contact information that you would like to be made available on the website.

Email your response to
or send to:

Sigma Alpha Iota, Eta Tau
P. O. Box 3159
Shepherdstown, WV 25443

Here's the bios from those Alums who have responded: Alumni Bios

Also, see how your SAI family has grown!
Check out the
Family Tree page of this site.
This page was last updated on February 28, 2003.

Comments and questions?
Write to our
webmistress at
Eta Tau Chapter Home Page
Sigma Alpha Iota National Home Page
Iota A Province
Shepherd University Music Department

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Sigma Alpha Iota - Eta Tau Chapter
Click here to read about what our Alumnae have been up to.