Centennial Convention
July 31-August 4, 2003
This page was last updated on August 8, 2003.

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Sigma Alpha Iota - Eta Tau Chapter
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The convention opened for business on Thursday, July 31.  The province officers premiered their province flags which were displayed at the front of the convention room.  The national officers presided over our official meetings.
National officers stand in front of the province flags
Eta Tau's official delegate was V.P. of Ritual, Rachel Barb.  Members
of Eta Tau Amanda Fishel, Karen Philhour, and Larissa Elliott also
attended.  We were pleased to see so many other sisters representing the
rest of Iota A province.  Several province awards were presented one night 
in Deb's hotel room.  Delta Nu 
was awarded Province College
Chapter Achievement Award. 
Baltimore Alumni Chapter received
the Province Alumni Chapter
Achievement Award.  And, Eta
Tau's Larissa Elliott received the
Province Leadership Award
(the Ruby Sword of Honor).
Iota A at the presentation of Province Awards
Cornelia Odom (also known as Leslie Odom's mother) spent much time prior to convention sewing each chapter's quilt block into lots of small quilts.  A blank block was left where inactive chapters can insert a block in the future.  Eta Tau's block is in the quilt pictured here.  It is in the third column from the left, second row up from the bottom.
Quilt with Eta Tau block