Our translation of one of the few available information manuals on the Dan Day is now complete, and is available as an e-Book. We have chosen to translate information about the Dan Day because this instrument is one of two that is 100% Vietnamese in origin. The other one being the Dan Bau which we have already translated.Please click here for details Price & Description

We would like to announce the birth of our daughter Shirley Linh in Ho Chi Minh City. She's very cute, and although she doesn't play any of our instruments yet, she makes cute little noises like ooh's and cuu's and she's definately trying to tell us something. When we find out, we'll let you know. To see pictures of her, please click here Shirley Linh Photos

Saigonstrings finally has a domain and website under it's own name. saigonstrings.com. We startetd out here on geocities many years ago and will maintain this site (until closed later this year), as it's been in the search engines a long time. Any updates to saigonstrings.com will be reflected here at geocities/saigonstrings. If one site it down, the mirror site is sure to be up. saigonstrings.com

We have introduced a line of Vietnmaese made high quality mandolin's made of Ngo Dong and Cam Lai woods, with French design extra sound holes in the side! a very full, balanced, and warm sound, with lots of volume and articulation! Please see our Mandolin page for further details at Click for Details

We now offer an extensive line of Vong Co Guitars. Most popular and used extensively in Cai Luong (renovated opera), is the luc huyen cam (or ghi-ta) Vong Co Guitar,
a modified guitar with raised frets and a scalloped fretboard, which allows the player to produce the bending ornamentation integral to the performance of Vietnamese traditional music. We also have some very difficult to get Vong Co instruction manuals.Please see a short page with photos on this and inquire for pricing and shipping details to your country.Click for Details

Our English language translation of the Dan Bau insruction manual is complete. We are very excited about this as it's never been done before. This manual will need to be used in conjunction with the Vietnamese manual, and is being sold as an eBook. Please see our price-description page.

We have our own domain name and website- (http://www.saigonstrings.com) as of Sept 2, 2004 and is a compliment to(http://www.oocities.org/saigonstrings). We will keep the oocities.com/saigonstrings site as a mirror site, as it's been in the search engines for years. Any changes or updates ine one site, will be reflected in the other. Our contact email address is the same for both sites: saigonstrings@yahoo.com. Thanks for your support and encouragment during this period.

If you are looking for instrument supplies, replacement strings, tuning knobs, pegs, bridges, song loans, instruction manuals ect...please see the section "What we have available" main menu.

We now offer a very beautiful full size Dan Tranh in which the front is tapered more like a Japanese Koto, it is tuned lower than standard Dan Tranh tuning and the sound is absolutely exquisite.We will provide photo upon request.

Over the years I have been asked do we have any video of people playing these instruments and the answer was always no. During our last trip to VN, I recorded some beautiful video of mainly instrumental, traditional Vietnamese music. When I have time, I will have these tapes converted from PAL format into NTSC and make them available to those interested. UPDATE. We have these now up on youtube.com. Our username on youtube is "ourworld4u".

We offer a half size Dan Tranh and Ty Ba. The half size Dan Tranh fits confortably on one's lap or can fit into a custom-made support stand often used for the full sized version. I personally have both full size & half size Tranh's, and am very satisfied with the half size. Sound quality is not as rich naturally, but sound quality also depends on factors such as the acoustics of the room you are playing in. Additionally we carry other instruments such as K'longput & T'rung of various sizes. These instruments are not pictured or discussed here, but please inquire if you are interested in these.

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