Shinobu Sensui, saying hello to you
Shinobu Sensui is the leader of a group of seven poeple who are trying to open the passage between the human world and the Darkness.

Sensui Ever since he was very young, Sensui has had the power to see monsters. He started wondering why he was the only one that could see them, but he told himself that it was because they were evil, and that he was chosen to exterminate them. Later, he was chosen the Celestial Counsal to become a Celestial detective. He job would be to exterminate the monsters that were causing trouble on Earth. He became stronger and stronger, blinden by the illusion of eliminating what was bad.
For his last job ever, he had to stop the "Black Book Club, a group of humans that captured monsters and used them as slaves. During that mission, he came across something the was contradictory to everything he ever believed in. The humans were the ones torturing the monsters: they were the ones acting evil. Sensui killed everyone in that room and started to hate humans more and more every day. He eventually came in contact with a tape of all of the atrocities humans have done to the monsters. He than dissapeared for ten years..

When he finally comes back, he reunited seven human with special powers to help him open the passage between darkness and this world. He plans to let class A ans S monsters (extremely strong monsters) into the real world, for them to kill all of the humans. You must note that for Sensui, only humans are bad. He likes the plants and the animals, but hates all humans. The creation of the passage is also there for him to be able to see the darkness. Indeed, the already existing passage only allows weak monster to pass, and he has become to strong to go trough.

Sensui has developped seven different personalities through his fighting. Sensui, his main one, is the strongest, fastess and the one with the most energy. He appears to laugh a lot in this form. He has 3 personalities he uses to fight and the three others for other situation. In his other personalities, there is Minor, used for fighting, who likes to praise himself. There is also Kazuya, also used for the fighting, who can kill anyone with no regret. One of is personalities is Nal, a woman that only shows herself to his friend, Itsuko. The other personalities are uknown to use because he never gets to use them. No one has ever touch Sensui during a battle. His body is full of scars because of his training.
I could name you all of his attackes but they all have complicated names that sound alike so I'll just describe them to you instead.
One of his attack consists of materialising a ball of energy and throwing it at his oponnent. He can throw it anytime he wants, and even if he is attacked before he does, the ball stays like if nothig happened. He can also create many of these balls, and throw them all at his oponnent.
Sensui can also use his energy to fly.
He can also create an armor with his energy. He has two type of armor: one for defense and one for offense.

Here are his associate that helps him open ths passage between this world and the Darkness, which nby the way, he is able to do.
The Gate-keeper [Itsuko]: Itsuko is a monster that Sensui ws suppose to kill once, but because of a joke "à la human" he made before dying, Sensui let him live and they became partners. Itsuko stays wth Sensui because he enjoys seeing him getting crazy. As time passed, it appears he started falling in love with him.
Sniper Sniper [Hagiri Kaname]: He can control items he throws at his opponent. He can mark his opponent so that whatever he throws reaches him. Throwing a giant truck takes a little bit too much energy from him.
Doctor Doctor [Kamiya Minoru]: He can create virus and medecine out of his imagination. He is also able to operate with his bare hands. He has always hated humans, and becoming a doctor only made him hate them more.
Toguro, coming out of Gourmet Gourmet [Makihara Sadao]: He has the power to eat his target and aquire his powers. Sadly, the last person he ate hated the hero and took over the body of Gourmet.
Game Master Game Master [Amanura Tsukihito]: He has the power to materialise games. Whichever game he chooses, he reproduces it in real live. But whatever happens in the game will happen for real. If someone dies, he dies for real. Amanura is a kid that is being used by Sensui.
Seaman Seaman [Mitarai Kyoshi]: Very confused youg man the can create monsters by mixing is blood with water. He has only seenone face of humankind and say, without much conviction, that all humans should die. The amount of blood he puts in his monster determines the strenght of it.

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