For those days when you just shouldn't have gotten up in the morning...
Last Updated: 2006.06.15 21:07 PDT (Click link for past updates)
Update comments: The last of my delayed Con reports is up on the Editorial page (the last one until I go to another con, that is :P)
Hey, why is this page cluttering up the net?
Well, one day (February 10, 1998, to be precise ^_^) I decided to make a web page. So, being the stingy person that I am, I hopped on over to Geocities to get a free one ^_^ Thus, Sailorspazz's Anime Insanity was born. So, what's on this page? Well, I'll tell you that there's not a lot of big pictures, information, fancy codes or special java heh heh, so now that the people who were looking for that stuff have left, I'll tell you that there is fan-fiction, fan-art, humor, and more! This page is mostly based on the Dark Kingdom Shitennou and the Amazon Trio. I also have Dragonball, Gundam Wing, and Trigun pages you can check out. So, now that most of the people have been scared away, you elite few who dare to enter my realm are welcome! Enjoy!
Sailormoon Villain Stuff:
Fan-fiction: Features "Bishounen no Mori", my very first fan-fic series. This page also has fan-art inspired by Bishounen no Mori (Last updated: 2001.08.19)
YKYTOWSMVW: A humorous page that anyone can contribute to. Make sure to send your ideas! (Last Updated: 2003.02.10)
Sounds: Contains Japanese villain sounds from the first and fourth seasons, and one clip from "El Hazard" (Last Updated: 2000.05.21)
General Anime Stuff:
Editorials: Features writing I've done on anime related topics, including convention reports (Last updated: 2006.06.15)
Fan-art: Contains mostly my own personal art, but also contains a couple other artists, as well (Last updated: 2004.04.20)
Funny English: A page which features amusing English mistakes (not limited to just anime, or even Japanese, for that matter). (Last Updated: 2003.08.01)
Trades/sales: A place to buy, sell, or trade various merchandise and trading cards. See if you can help me complete some of my massive trading card collections ^_^ (Last Updated: 2003.09.21)
Author's Personal Stuff:
Author: Info about me (Last Updated: 2006.05.09)
Opinions: My opinions on anime related topics (Last updated: 2006.05.09)
Anime: List of anime I've seen (Last updated: 2006.05.09)
Stuff: My massive merchandise list (Last Updated: 2002.02.17)
Etc.: Clubs and mailing lists I'm a part of, and an award o_O;; (Last Updated: 2001.08.19)
If you're interested in seeing more of my insanity (You poor, unfortunate soul o_O;;), here are links to my other pages:
Gundam Wing: Gundammit! (Last updated: 2005.03.14)
Dragonball: Cha-La Head Trauma (Last updated: 2007.10.24)
Trigun: Fool's Paradise (Last updated: 2003.12.06)
Gravitation: Boy's Love Shack (Last updated: 2008.10.08)
How to contact me: E-mail me at, or get in touch with me through Yahoo Instant Messenger. My ID is "sailorspazz." I'm not on there very often, but you can try ^_^
Bai Bai! Come back soon ^_^ (That is, if this visit didn't scare you away ^_^;;).
Created 1998.02.10 by Sailorspazz. All material on this page may not be used for other purposes unless permission is obtained from creator