Shocking Similarities

Have you ever been watching the anime or reading the manga and thought, "Hey, I've seen this picture before"? Well, you were probably right! Below, you will find pictures in which different characters were captured acting suprisingly similar to each other. If you find evidence like this, e-mail me with either the pictures you've found, or tell me which books I can scan them from (I can't do screen captures, sorry). You can even e-mail with instances of DB characters acting like characters from other series (look at my stuff page to see exactly what I can scan from). Anyway, enjoy watching these characters plagiarize each other!

Like father, like son

Vegeta and Trunks may look a lot alike most of the time, but in the above picures, they could pass for twins with their facial expressions! They also both have their arms crossed in the same way. I think it's especially funny that even the bead of sweat is in the same place ^_^ (Vegeta pic from manga #42, Trunks from #39)

Piccolo's a pervert?!

We all know that Roshi is a pervert, and in the above picture he's talking about "Pafu pafu" as he always does...but, what's this? Piccolo appears to be doing the same thing! What a randy old Namek! (Roshi pic from manga #2, Piccolo pic from Daizenshuu #5...yes, I realize it's being taken way out of context :P)

Dragonball | Fanart/fan manga | Fanfiction | Similarities