


Useless info

More of the same, poor you

Comments, queries, etc

Direct contact

Yeah, it's me again. I've had quite enough of my old website thankyou, it was in fact doing my head in. So I've just decided to completely change it. Well, maybe not quite, but now it'll have a more consistent colour scheme instead of 80 different ones, rants that might have a longer shelf life than a month, and I've just done away with the reviews and downloads bits completely as let's face it, I couldn't keep up to date with the first, and nobody was interested in the second. Oh yeah, and we'll be a little less image heavy from now on, as let's face it, it was getting just a teeny bit pointless.

So just to insult your intelligence further, here's a Really Patronising Guide to what's what on the menu over there. Okay, maybe I could just say "click on 'em and see you wasters!" but I wouldn't want to mislead my audience now would I. Ahem.

*Music - Incorporates the old Reviews section, although only a few of them may hang around for posterity. Also to save any further confusion, any Rants on music will go in there, except they'll be known as Articles for an extra slice of credibility. ~cough~

*Anime - It's like Music, except it's not because it's about anime. I've just dumped the entire old section and started again. Again, "articles" on anime will go in there.

*Ranting - Rants. That fit into neither Music or Anime. Easy.

*Useless info - Ye Olde About The Authoress page. Well everybody else has one, plus the old one was cringeworthily out of date.

*More of the same - My other sites, linked to for your ease of viewing. Aren't I nice?

*Comments etc - this is my messageboard, please please please leave feedback, go on I'll be your friend! Oh, and criticism is fine, as long as it is in some way constructive. Flames are very different things (usually along the lines of, "you smell and yer really ugly") and they will be deleted as soon as I find 'em. Just so you know, like.

*Direct contact - email. If there's anything you want to say directly, or if you want to submit anything for inclusion here. I'll gratefully receive contributions.

I'm not doing any links this time, as I have nothing I want to link to amd all the sites I linked to last time have only gone and closed down... it's like a kiss of death. You'll just have to find excellent websites for yourselves. ;)

And that, my dears, is just about it. Enjoy yourselves.