Welcome to Sakura's Star!

   This is a website for aspiring manga artists! E-mail me your mangas, and they get put on this site! Wouldn't that be sooooo cool?? Once on this site, your manga will be complimented (and criticized!!) by veiwers....and maybe me. But don't worry, I won't  be too hard on you! Lol! Oh, and I'll try to not get jealous if you draw better than I do! So anyways, e-mail those mangas (e-mail address on About Me page!) ! And who knows, maybe this is your big start to becoming a Professional Manga Artist!

P.S. This site is still under construction.
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween everyone! Also, Happy Birthday to my sister Candice. For Halloween, I dressed as a freak in a robe that lurks in the shadows 0_0.... LOL! It was a last minute costume. ^_^
I found this quiz today and I thought I'd add a link to it on my site. It's a 'Which Tokyo Mew Mew Character are you?', quiz. I'm Ichigo ^_^! WOO!  Anyways, click the picture above to take the quiz and find out which Mew Mew you are. I decided to make my own quiz too, so please try it!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I was going to put up a cute Thanksgiving related picture I drew, but I didn't get it done in time. T-T. Anyways, you can expect it next year! Lol! I decided to scan the pic above from Tokyo Mew Mew, Volume 3. (yes I know that they're chickens and not turkeys, but it's close enough!)
                                                Have a great Turkey Day!
Hurray! The OekakiBBS is finally up!! After sooo much waiting, I finally have something GOOD on my site! lol! Anyways, please enjoy it!
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Hello Pandapple!
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