A Few Favorite Links:

Ainsley Hernandez
Assignments Assigned:
Vacation Plans
HTML Touchstone Text
HTML Nomad A-G
HTML Nomad H: Posseses errors still constructing
HTML Nomad I: ???
Week 8: Day 4
Week 8: Day 3
Week 8: Day 2
Week 14: Day3
Web Design after Christmas!

Week7 Day5 Listen!
Alright well in case you haven't figured it out from the background I like watching anime....a lot! Which is one of my many, hobbies I also like playing video games!. I mean what human being who loves watching anime doesn't like playing video games? I also like to read, write, workout every so often, I have to stay healthy you know! xD I also like doing other things but I can't think of them so...um...yea...>.>;