The First Church of Salamandertron

In the beginning there were four. Without angels, without prophets and without any kind of charismatic leader-figure. Yet between the four a vision was born on 4th February 2000. A vision of a religion without set boundaries, a religion which is not forced down your throat by loud Americans with specialist TV stations, or men with whiter-than-white teeth, or anyone who's ever bought/sold the Watchtower.

We do not claim to bring a message from God, we did not read the truth on the golden pages of a sacred book, and we cannot promise you wealth, happiness or spiritual enlightenment.

Believe what you want, you will anyway, but believe it with us. We can offer you a unique title, a unique place in our church and a new scapegoat. Do what you will in our name. We will not desert you.



Illuminated Brethren





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You may contact the Church of Salamandertron with any comments or questions at

 Last Updated on the 16th Day of December in the Year 2002

This site is Copyright The First Church of Salamandertron 2000