Check back soon: updates coming in June 2008! You'll find informative articles and links about everything cockatiel… and
within a few weeks – everything parakeet as well! Let me know if you have
any feedback or suggestions so that I can add what you need. I used to be
pretty good with responding to your questions via e-mail, but right now I am focusing
on getting the site up again. I left it hanging out here in deporable condition for far
too long. At this point, most of the links are not working, but I'm hoping to get everything functional in June 2008. I moved from New Jersey to the far more bird friendly - and beautiful
- state of Florida. My job as a network engineer keeps me quite busy, but I'm hoping to be
able to work on the site between projects, as well as when I need to take a break from a
problem and focus on something more enjoyable than the Cisco IOS code in routers and
switches. One thing that has not and will never change: If you have an emergency or
suspect a health problem,
PLEASE contact your avian vet immediately! I will try to post articles that
are of interest to the cockatiel community as frequently as possible, so
e-mail me
with your thoughts, and let me know if there are any topics that you'd like to see me
sure to check out
Are You Ready for Cockatiel Ownership?
BEFORE you buy a bird, since there is a lot more to caring for a bird than
most people realize. The
Physical Characteristics of the Cockatiel
is a good starting point for a school report. Please feel free to copy any
of the information you need for educational purposes. After all, that is
why I started this site in the first place. I keep adding to the
Cockatiel Hazards
page as people send me information on their personal experiences, so check
that page often. Soon I will begin work on the parakeet section, which is where I
left off two years ago. I
share my home with two of these little jokesters, and I would be remiss to
not include info on them as well. Before I got the parakeets, I never would
have believed that birds understand concepts like humor and gravity… but
more on that to come!