Salem District
Old Hickory Council, BSA

Proudly Serving the Southern Part of Forsyth County
Serving the organizations and families in the Clemmons, South Winston Salem, and Kernersville Communities.
Cubmaster, Scoutmasters & Crew Advisors:
If you have not sent in your Commissioner & Roundtable Surveys (were in Fall Picnic Packet), please do so or bring them to the Popcorn Kick-off this Thursday, September 13th evening.  We value your input.  We appreciate you taking your time to help us in service to your units.
District Committee Meetings-
are held each month at the Wachovia Scouting Center on the First Thursday evening of each month at 7 pm.
     The purpose of the District Committee is to work through chartered organizations and community groups to organize and support successful units.  The end result of effective district support: more and more youth members receiving a better and better program.
     This committee coordinates all the functions of the district for the purposes of (a) organizing and supporting Quality Units,  (b) carrying out the policies and objectives of the council, and (c) extending the program to the greatest number of youth.
are held each month (August - May) at Ardmore United Methodist Church on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 pm.
      Monthly Roundtables are conducted by the Salem District Roundtable Commissioner Staff to provide the latest program information, guidance and a forum for the sharing of experiences and resources. The aim of the Roundtable is to provide the will and the skill to do. If leaders have these two things, they can succeed, and they and their unit will contiune to succeed. There is a opening information session to start off then break out sessions for Cub and Boy Scout leaders.
Commissioner Staff Meetings-
are held each month at the Wachovia Scouting Center on the First Tuesday evening of each month at 7 pm.
      The purpose of the Commissioners are district and Council leaders who help Scout units succeed. They coach and consult with adult leaders of Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Venturing Crews. Commissioners help maintain the standards of the Boy Scouts of America.
District Eagle Board-
are held each month at Ardmore Baptist Church on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 pm.
         Contact Eagle Board Chairman:  
John Holland
National Council, BSA
Old Hickory Council, BSA
Camp Raven Knob
Adult Leader Training
Contact Info:
District Programs
District Chairman
Clarence Lambe
Chartered Organizations
District Commissioner
Jason Nagle
Senior District Executive
Adam Cook