SALEM VOICE (Spiritual And Literary Evangelical Mission) is a registered society (Regd. No. K 993/'99, under Travancore-Cochin Societies Act, 1955) of India, praying for others as well as working for the world peace. We pray to God the Father through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit for every nations that He may protect everybody from depression, peaceless, natural calamities, wars etc. Salem Voice do charitable works by giving education to the poor children; making houses for homeless; supplying medicines, clothes and food for the needy; establishing mobile dispensaries for the slums, interior villages, hilly areas and the places where it is urgently needed because of accidents or the spread of contageous deseases. Salem Voice share the experience of Salvation by proclaiming the Gospel. We establish the institution of Gospel Libraries; print and publish tracts and literature; conduct Bible classes, Gospel Campaigns, Retreats etc. The Imam Ministries and Charities is a project of the Salem Voice, meant for winning muslim world unto the Salvation. Among them we do personal evangelism as Emmaus style of our Lord, postal evangelism, correspondance courses, conducting seekers conferences and short term cross cultural trainings, establishing cell groups meant for church planting. At any cost win the Muslim world as well as the third world unto the Salvation of Jesus Christ through evangelisation and charities is our motto. The Worldwide Intercessory Prayer Circle is another project of Salem Voice for encouraging people to pray for others. We send out missionaries and mentoring successors too. Bro. Ciniraj Mohamed, founder and director of the Salem Voice was a Muslim by birth, found Jesus as his personal Savior and became as a chosen vessel in His Vineyard miraculously. He is a well known preacher in India and winning many more souls unto the Salvation. |
(Founder & Director) Ciniraj Mohamed, Salem Voice, Baseelia, Devalokam, Kottayam, Kerala-686038, INDIA Telephone & Fax: 0091 481 573532 Mobile Phone: 00 98470 51532 E-Mail: |
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