Free Hits Exchange Handbook

You can start building your online presence today. Join the program below on the left and in most, get $10 free in your account to start. You earn 1% to 5% for surfing 100 sites a day. If you join 10 programs, you have start with $100 and you are earning $1 a day. I know it doesn't sound like much. But remember you weren't making anything yesterday, and you wont be tomorrow if you don't do something today.


SignUp Bonus

Surf Ratio


Daily Earning




10$ + 1000 credits

1 : 0.5

15 sec.

1% - 200 sites

10$ low

EGold, Paypal, IntGold


10$ + 1000 credits

1 : 0.8

20 sec.

1% - 125 sites

20$ low

EGold, Paypal, IntGold


10$ + 1000 credits

1 : 0.5

15 sec.

1% - 200 sites

5$ low

EGold, Paypal, IntGold


10$ + 1000 credits

1 : 0.5

15 sec.

1% - 200 sites

10$ low



10$ + 500 credits

1 : 0.5

20 sec.

1% - 200 sites

10$ low

EGold, Paypal


10$ + 500 credits

1 : 0.5

15 sec.

1% - 200 sites

10$ low

EGold, Paypal, IntGold

Traffic To The Extreme

10$ + 1000 credits

1 : 0.8

20 sec.

1% - 125 sites

0 !!!

EGold, IntGold


10$ + 5000 credits

1 : 0.8

20 sec.

2% - 188 sites

45$ low

EGold, Paypal, IntGold

JDI Promotions

10$ + 5000 credits

1 : 0.5

15 sec.

2% - 200 sites

20$ low

EGold, Paypal, IntGold


10$ + 500 credits

1 : 0.5

15 sec.

1% - 200 sites

10$ low

EGold, Paypal, IntGold


10$ + 1000 credits

1 : 0.5

20 sec.

2% - 200 sites

150$ low

EGold, Paypal, IntGold

And Many MORE







 Join the following Paid to Read Email sites. These are all HIGH PAYING reliable sites that are KNOWN to pay!! Even without referrals you should reach payout in about 3 months. Referrals will make it even quicker.

Allyousubmitters   Hits4Pay  Linkburst  Op-In-Pays   Spidermanemails  Ak-Mail  ReferralEarning

RichMails  143 LoveMails  AnniesBiz  BuckinCash  Can I Join  Bug Cash  Cash A Day Click Thru

Dollar Factory  Email2Reward  Email Is Money  Omega Emails  Pay Day Mail  Pirate Emails

SanitariumMail  SendMoreInfo  TheCashDoctor  TombMailer  Tyliapays  WePaid  Z-Cash


Many more programs HERE...

If you can't handle all of these at once, join about 5 at a time. Some of these sites have their own inboxes so you don't have to fill your email accounts, just delete them from your email account each day and visit the site at least weekly and do all the tasks there and see how much money you've earn.

Use the money you earn to re-invest into this system (Randomizer & Matrixs).

Base MatrixRandom Payings ,   E-Gold StormPays    Dollar Buddy



Happy Surfing .......... Happy Earning ..........Happy Surfing...........Happy Earning







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