Cleveland Branch
Branch Notes
We are all concerned about the increasing age profile in our sport and so education is a high priority with the S&TA, particularly with bringing the youth into our sport. Branch and clubs organise local tuition days and the annual programme has been a tremendous success with over 100 courses nationwide, bringing thousands of newcomers into the sport.

The courses are generally run on small still waters and last for the day. Participants are supervised by qualified, licensed instructors who take them through the basics of fly fishing including: safety, conservation, casting, knots and entomology.

The majority of our courses specifically cater for juniors although we do offer a limited number of adult beginner days.  Alternatively you could use a qualified instructor to make those first steps.

The scheme has attracted sponsorship from water companies, tackle manufacturers and sports groups. This year we would like to thank the following, without whose support, we would be unable to run the courses with a minimal cost (£10) to the participants: Gordon at Lockwood Beck and the instructors Rodger and Jeff.

Cleveland Juniors Instruction Days Friday 7th. August & Friday 21st. August 2009 at Lockwood Beck for
further details contact Gordon Byers 01287 660501 Mob. 07973 779527.   To check availability click
Game anglers for fish, people, the environment