Kill Your Good Times
The album accurately captures the months of utter Hell and torment spent in a dusty, leaky, humid basement in Norristown recording it. The band spent August through October drinking gigantic Goddamn bottles of Genesee Cream Ale and Bartels Pure Beer, arguing over tempo, playing darts and experimenting as to which licquer is more dangerous to your health: Hot Damn or Goldschlagger? This issue has still not been resolved as each one of the drinks almost killed two of the band. Somewhere along the line they managed to record twelve songs, ten of which they felt were okay to have strangers listen to, despite the fact that randomly guitar tracks would completely disappear and the bass tone would be deep and inspiring on one listen, then totally shitty on another. Along the line there were problems with atonation, quality of the mixes and even with the damned dartboard. But, then again, that's the way of the Dog. 

For an ABSOLUTELY FREE Listen of the ENTIRE album just click "Here Salty Dog Now" on your left. All ten Groovy songs from "Kill Your Good Times" are available on FREE. A testament to the band's socialist generosity...and stupidity.


1.My Savior
2.Strong and Silent Type
4.Priase From Caesar
5.Dead Literature
6.Broken Hearted Town
7.Zeno's Lullabye
8.Queen of Denial
9.Silver Spoon
10.Just a Girl

Produced by Salty Dog
Engineered by Dan Perry
Mix and Mastered by The Captain Billy Beemish and Magic Steve
Recorded from August - October 2001, Leaky Basement Studios, Norristown.
All Songs copyright 2001 Disposable Culture Productions

Kill Your Good Times with Salty Dog
"Kill Your Good Times" Lyrics
Band Personel
Here Salty Dog Now (MP3).
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