Salvation's Legions began in the early weeks. It started as a few soldiers banding together for a common cause. We continue to grow to this day not only strength in number, but also in knowledge, wealth, and experience. We are an intimate order of friends. A medium sized association of albions. We are ruled by Cogent in the land of Camelot on Guinivere.
The Emblem Explained - We stand together
The torches represent the lighting of the path to salvation. We stand proudly as torch-bearing beacons in battle; keeping a watchful eye on the frontiers, offering a helping hand to friends whom we encounter, and slaughtering any enemy in our way. There are two torches, traversing yet supporting each other, perceivable as a single article. As soldiers on the battlefields we move, act, and react as one.
Valiance of Near-White Ivory
Bland bleak times of peace. Ivory white is the time between peace and bloodshed.
That Deep Shade of Maroon
Bold blood spilled with honor. Fresh blood lost with grace