While we're building the new Website We're using SalviaCrusaders.com to promote Shaymans book; The Salvia Crusaders Five years of the Salvia crusaders website (2003 - 2008)
Salvia Divinorum Australia
Salvia Divinorum (Diviners Sage, Sally D, Ska Pastora and more) is a species of Sage and has some amazing properties when used in the correct way. It has a long history of use in healing by the native Mazatec Indians of the Sierra Mazateca region of Oaxaca, Mexico and is also used as a divining tool.
Recently the Western world has become fascinated with its ability to produce short but powerful audio and visual hallucinations. It is being advertised and sold across the Internet by many On-line herbal specialists and alternative high shops in many forms from, plain leaf and tinctures to Extracts of various strengths (5X, 10X, 20X and others). Many forums have appeared where users are comparing their experiences and methods of consumption. All of this and still there have been no related health problems, due to its use, reported anywhere in the world.
From the research that has been performed on Salvia Divinorum, it has been found to have tremendous benefit in the aid of many health problems and has also been used successfully to reduce depression. Many other medical possibilities lay unexplored as yet, though its action has been studied and found to affect the kappa opioid receptors of the brain and may offer hope for use as an anaesthetic for those normally allergic to current medicines.
From August 2001 to September 2002 the Australian National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee (NDPSC) and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which are both run by unelected officials, began a dishonest Crusade against the use of Salvia Divinorum in Australia.
Their Crusade was based on disinformation, fear laziness, their own sense of self importance, and the idea that they know best. In fact it is obvious that they actually had no clue about Salvia Divinorum or worse, they ignored the true facts and invented their own.
Salvia Divinorum became illegal in Australia on June 1st 2002 as a result of the TGA and the NDPSC including it into their most restrictive schedule, schedule 9. This was done in secret with no fan fare or media alerts at all, effectively creating a situation that makes criminals of normal community minded and socially responsible Australians who choose to use alternative herbal remedies over policy accepted medicines.
The Australian Salvia Crusaders
In June 2003, unaware of this hidden 1 year old Australian law, The Australian Salvia Crusaders, yet un-named, discovered Salvia Divinorum and began to explore its wonders. So impressed with what was found, and with the belief that Salvia Divinorum was unregulated, it was decided to create a website where we could report our findings and reports from our salvia induced journeys/trips and the other benefits we have received. The name Salvia Crusaders appealed to us so we went with it, little did we know it was to have a much more real meaning than we first thought.
On the 18th of August, The first version of this website was placed online. It featured only a few pages about, Salvia Divinorum, Salvia Crusaders members, pictures and photos, as well as a couple of trip reports.
While researching the Internet for more information, we discovered that Australia had been the first country to ban Salvia Divinorum, a year earlier, and we were shocked beyond belief. On researching the banning process and the published findings of the TGA it became clear that we do in fact have a crusade on our hands. A crusade to bring honesty and rationality back into Australian Law, and return the freedom to Australians to use Salvia Divinorum in peace.
So our website was transformed into bringing attention to how the Australian people are hoodwinked into loosing more of our freedom by unelected, selfish, ego driven, burocrats, who, it seems, have little regard for facts.
Freedom for Salvia Divinorum in Australia
Having first hand experience with this herb, we feel it is now our responsibility to do all that is possible to reverse the ban and return the freedom to choose back to the Australian people. There is so much untapped potential, mental and health benefits to be found in this herb and it is an outrage that it has been banned, especially in the way that it was.
Please join us in our crusade and follow this story closely, you will find nothing that backs any argument to keep it banned that is honest and factual. On the contrary, there is a tonne of information that supports Salvia Divinorum being explored further. Close inspection of claims against the use and exploration of Salvia Divinorum will reveal that any negative claims have all been made from ignorance, fear or both and without any research on their behalf.
Salvia Giveaways & Contest
Join The Crusade
Salvia Crusaders Are Opening Memberships to the Crusade in July 2009
There will be more information posted here shortly
Stay Tuned Salvianauts
Join our Email news letter and we'll keep you posted.
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Salvia Crusaders - Salvia Divinorum Australia
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It is Very important that you read the user guide before using Salvia Divinorum.
You will find the most up to date version here
Steampunk Planet
Steampunk Girls
Salvia Divinorum is Also known by the following names
Mexican Sage, Diviners Mint, Divine Sage, Diviners Sage, Lady Sage, Ska Pastora, Shepherdess's Herb, ska Maria Pastora, yerba de Maria, SaDi, Sally-D and hojas de la Pastora. and many more - Not bad for a fairly unknown herb.
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The Salvia Crusaders Website is accessable using the following URL's;
http://www.salviacrusaders.2ya.com http://w1p2.com?DfIIi
W1P2 URLS, Short URLs that "Whip To" Long ones
Salvia Divinorum Videos
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