SALVISA RURITAN COUNTRY DAYS 2009 Friday, Sept 18th -- SALVISA STAR SEARCH Talent and Karaoke Show Perform 3 Acts for $10 or 1 Act for $5 Youth First Prize $25 -- Adult First Prize $50 Master of Ceremonies: ELVIS Dennis Preston, Elvis impersonator STREETS OF SALVISA CAR CRUISE IN Saturday, Sept 19th CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT 11 a.m. -- $20 per team sign up First Place Team wins Trophies and $50 PHOTO CONTEST -- judging 11 a.m. in the Ruritan Bldg. $1 per photo entry fee -- Youth and Adult Categories one Photo will be selected to appear on the 2010 Salvisa Ruritan Calendar CAKE CONTEST -- judging 11 a.m. in the Ruritan Bldg. No entry fee -- Youth and Adult Categories Cakes will be donated to Saturday afternoon's live auction. UGLIEST TIE CONTEST -- $2 per entry of 3 entries for $5 UGLIEST LAMP CONTEST-- $5 per entry -- Judging 11 a.m. in the Salvisa Ruritan Building for contests! |