Salvisa Ruritan Pageants
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Applications for Pageants will be accepted up until Pageant time!

Pageant application
click here

Tiny Miss, Little Miss, Little Mister,
Young Miss -- $25 entry fee
Pre-Teen, Miss Teen, Miss Ruritan, and
MS. Ruritan -- $50 entry fee

All pageant contestants are eligible!
Winner is eligible to go to
State Festival Contest and wins a sash, trophy, and crown.
Humanitarian Award Rules:
1)  As soon as you send in your pageant application, begin collecting for this award.

2)  Each candidate is responsible for making their own collection box, can, basket, etc.

3)  Ask permission to place your collection receptacle in businesses of your choice, parent's work place, etc.

4)  Collect money daily as businesses cannot be held responsible for lost monies.

5)  Turn in money to Elda Jackson at the Salvisa Ruritan Building by NOON on Salvisa Pageant Day.  Winner will be announced during Miss Salvisa Ruritan Pageant. 

Contestant collecting the most funds wins the Humanitarian Award Title. 
Funds will be donated to the
Salvisa Ruritan Club to support the club's community service efforts.