Wednesday May 12th Pictures
I am just back from a great week in Hanoi. A city I definetly recommend anyone to visit. I'm trying to get these Hanoi updates written, I think my renewed enthusiasm may be getting the better of me. I'm off to Hong Kong this weekend, anyone gonna be there?

        - Sam
- The Old Quarter
- The Water Puppet band...
- Water puppets
- Uncle Ho's Mausoleum...
-...and again...
-...once more..
- HCM Museum
- HCM's Palace
- Mush resting..
- The Temple of Literature entrance
- Inside TOL
- TOL Alter
- One big drum..
- TOL dragon
- Me at HCM's Mausoleum
- The infamous Hanoi Hilton
Email Address CHECK THE WEBCAM... (not there often but...)
Mush and I drifting down Kenh Ga (Chicken River)....
Journal Entries
Hanoi Day 1 (May 1)
Hanoi Day 2 (May 2)

19th December

1st December
11th November

27th October: Guangzhou - Part A
                     - Part B
23rd October

17th October
12th October
5th October - Xiamen:

       - Friday
       - Saturday
       - Sunday
2nd October
Hong Kong Sevens
Christmas, Carol + Co.
Guangzhou Pictures
Xiamen Pictures
One of the Old Quarter's quieter moments. (Hanoi)
      Where I am: (Shantou, Guangdong)

Map of China                 Map of Guangdong
Old Pictures
Older Pictures
Archived Journal Entries Phone Number: + 86 754 290 2303
Last Updated: 12th May 2004